Getting to Know Each Other

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Unknown Dimension, Unknown Location

They were now in a different location knowing that they were now far away from the city. As they stop running, Nepgear was panting and Neptune said.

Nepgear: *Pant...pant...*

Neptune: Whew, I think this is probably far enough. Doesn't look like we were followed, either.

Uzume: You idiots, getting in the way like that... How could you...? You two know... a CPUs sworn duty is to protect her people and how could—

Neptune: Hey. Uzume. You're alive! A CPU also kinda needs to be alive to keep doing her job, ya know.

Uzume: *sigh* Yeah... I know. I guess I should be thankful... so... thank you...

Neptune: Heh. No need. I'm just glad you're here.

Nepgear: Is there any place we could rest...? We've all taken quite a beating, and we need to find a place to tend to Uzume's injuries...

Uzume: Yeah, let's head back to my base. Even now, it's out of the way of danger, and I have a lot of supplies we could use.

Neptune, Nepgear, and Uzume heard stomach growling as they turn to Kirby and Bandana Dee with a sad look of their face.

Kirby: Poyo...

Neptune: What's wrong Kirby and Bandana Dee? Are you two hungry or something?

Bandana Dee started to write something to them and showed it which Nepgear reads.

Nepgear: Yes, were hungry! Me and Kirby haven't eaten anything since we got here in this dimension.

Neptune: Aww you poor fellas. Uzume, is your base have food for these two to eat something.

Uzume: Of course I do.

Neptune: Hear that you two. Uzume said that she has some food back in her base, so no worries.

Kirby: Poyo!

Uzume: We should probably get going now. So let's move.

N/N: Right!

They were now heading back to Uzume's Base for them to heal and hopefully planning their next move.

After a few minutes have passed, they finally made it to Uzume's Base as Kirby and Bandana Dee were now eating chips at the couch and Neptune said.

Neptune: So... what's happening with the giant thing? Is it going to make its way over here at some point? Am I gonna need to show it my final form?

Uzume: Don't worry. Looks like after it's little rampage, it disappeared again. That's usually what it does.

Nepgear: Oh... so we made it out safely!

Uzume: Well, yeah, but that area it destroyed is no good to us anymore. I'm a little worried. We're running out of places to go... 

Uzume: But, I am glad everyone got out okay. Plus, Kirby and his allies defeated that mutt for us. Even the small victories are pretty sweet.

Uzume: By the way, where are his allies he had anyway.

Neptune: Yeah, like weren't they just with us earlier?

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