Searching for the Patch (Part 2/2)

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Hyper Dimension, First-Gen CPU's Sanctuary

They finally made it to their destination known as First-Gen CPU's Sanctuary. As they went inside, Neptune said.

Neptune: So this is the sacred land of Planeptune's first CPU that Vert was talking about.

Marx: Yep, this is the place alright. Also, this place looks awesome to see, right fellas? 

Kirby: Poyo.

Said Kirby, while Bandanna Dee nodded saying yes. 

Neptune: I'm glad you three are enjoying Planeptune so far.

Neptune: From what I can see, it doesn't seem different from any other dungeon...

Neptune: Ah, whatever. I have to worry about about fixing Histy first.

Marx: Agreed. 

And with that, they move onward so they can search for that patch.

After five minutes has passed, they soon find some monsters along with three enemies that Kirby and Bandana Dee recognized. The one on the middle has a blue and white headbands. and his name is Rocky, the first one of Kirby's common enemies.

The one on the left is Blade Knight, the second one of Kirby's common enemies

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The one on the left is Blade Knight, the second one of Kirby's common enemies.

and the one on the right is Chilly, the third one of Kirby's common enemies.

Neptune: I never seen that enemy before and it's... a rock?

Bandana Dee then wrote something and showed it to Neptune which Marx reads.

Marx: The one in the middle is Rocky, one of Kirby's common enemies.

Neptune: I knew that was his name. But without the letter Y that is.

Kirby then threw Friend Hearts at Rocky, Blade Knight, and Chilly turning them good. Rocky is now wearing a hat that's similar to ice but has rocks instead of crystals, a horn on each side held by blue rings, and five decorative blocks on the front.

 Rocky is now wearing a hat that's similar to ice but has rocks instead of crystals, a horn on each side held by blue rings, and five decorative blocks on the front

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