The Search for Umio (Part 1/2)

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Unknown Dimension, Uzume's Base

The Next Day

Back at Uzume's base, Nepgear was working on her N-Gear to gather information about this unknown dimension. Next, Neptune soon came in from her nap and said.

Neptune: Mornin', Nep Jr. What are you up to?

Nepgear: Oh, Neptune. I wanted to learn more about this place, so I was gathering information on the internet. 

Neptune: That is your specialty, after all. So, ya find anything good?

Nepgear: Nothing, yet. Wireless isn't functioning in this area, so I just connected the N-Gear to the net by cable.

Neptune: Oooh, that's why the N-Gear has a cable dangling from it. I'll have to be careful not to step on it.

Nepgear: Ha, thanks. Anyway, even if the information is kind of broken, I did find some things of note, like this map.

Nepgear: I'm currently repairing it with a software tool, so once it's done I'm sure we'll find something.

Neptune: Oooooh! I knew we could count on ya. You're super dependable in times like these. 

Nepgear: Hee hee... Really?

Then, Kirby and Bandana Dee walk towards the Nep sisters from their nap. Neptune then noticed them and said.

Neptune: Hey Kirby and Bandana Dee. Did you two sleep well.

Kirby: Poyo.

Said Kirby, while Bandana Dee nodded saying yes. Uzume then came out from her nap and said.

Uzume: Hey, Nepsy. Finally awake, Huh? Did you sleep well? 

Neptune: You betcha! I slept so well, I had a dream about diving into an ocean of pudding.

Neptune: The blankets were so warm, too! It's kinda nice living in the stone age, everything's is slow and simple.

Uzume: Well, that's good to hear. So, is Gearsy still working on... that... thing?

Nepgear: Yes. I've connected my N-Gear to the internet to collect information.

Uzume: Huh. That N-Gear thing is pretty amazing if it can connect to the World Wide Web... It's so thin...

Neptune: World Wide Web... This might be the first time I've heard someone use that phrase unironically.

Uzume: But is there any usable information on the Web? Most of it's disconnected, and a lot of servers are broken, so I doubt it's functioning properly.

Nepgear: It's... like you said, in a pretty terrible state, but it looks like public organization and the Basilicom servers are still online. 

Nepgear: That's where I found the map data. Most of the rest of it was broken though.

Nepgear: Oh, also, I found this through hacki—I mean investigating— but is this your BBS, Uzume? 

Neptune: I thought I heard "hacking" just now...

Nepgear: R-Really? I-I'm sure it's just your imagination, ah ha ha ha...

Kirby: Poyo?

Uzume:  what's this BBS you're talkin' about?

Nepgear: It's this bulletin board called "Dream BBS." Most of the threads are about safety confirmation, survival reports, or general discussion, it seems.

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