6- George Weasley (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Fred nods thoughtfully, racking the new offer in his mind, then shakes first, a single firm shake. George shakes her hand next, giving her a friendly smile, trying to make her feel like she made the right decision.

Y/n starts walking away, feeling satisfied with the agreement, when Fred calls out, "Where do you think you're going? We've got pranks to plan."

"Already?" She asks slightly dumbfounded.

"Hey, it's a business now," Fred shrugs nonchalantly. "we're eager to make some money from all of this."

"Yeah, yeah, don't get too cocky about it. I'll catch you up, I need to get a few things from my room. Where should I meet you?"

"At the Fat Lady portrait at 3:00?" George suggests and Y/n nods in agreement.


Already late, Y/n briskly walks through the last hallway until she sees the twins waiting for her impatiently.

"You're late," Fred states sounding mildly annoyed.

"Sorry, I had to write a few letters to three of my suppliers. Not only did I run out of lacewing flies, but dragon scales and shaved goat horn."

George asks, "What do you need those for?"


"Well, I knew that-"

"Then ask the right question next time," She interrupts with a teasing smirk on her face. "I've been trying to brew a potion to stop your rapid hair growth pastie."

Fred leans slightly closer to George and murmurs, "I forgot about that one."

"I think we used it on some Hufflepuff."

"Juliana Meadows, second-year Hufflepuff. You two cast it three days ago. The poor girl refuses to come out of her room until I make her a potion to fix it."

"Do you know how well it worked?" Fred eagerly asks.

Y/n sighs but smirks a bit anyways. "Let's just say, every time she tries to cut it, it starts growing faster. I have to hand it to you both, whatever it was that you created was brilliant. Usually, I don't have any sort of problem figuring out how to fix your messes, but it's trickier this round."

"Thanks," George smiles.

"Let's go in so we can discuss this further and come up with new ideas," Fred says, earning a sharp look from the Fat Lady.

"She can't come in here. She's a Ravenclaw." She turns up her nose huffily.

The twins roll their eyes and state the password anyways. Much to the Fat Lady's annoyance, she reluctantly opens the portrait revealing the entrance hole to the Gryffindor common room, grumbling about how the Weasleys' shouldn't tell a student from a different house the password.

"Lady's first," Fred says, making an exaggerated sweeping arm gesture toward the door, signalling for her to lead the way.

Y/n walks in first and as soon as she steps into the actual room, she looks around in awe at the cosy atmosphere. The mainly red room doesn't feel overwhelming due to the gold accents and accompanying furniture. The fireplace fills the room with comforting warmth and a soothing glow. This pictures in the wallpaper didn't seem at all eerie, but, instead, very beautiful, whereas anywhere else she would have frowned upon them.

A few students turn curiously to look at who entered and are surprised when they see a Ravenclaw instead of a Gryffindor. Their surprise amplifies when they see the Weasley twins are the ones who let her into their common room and are leading her up into the boys' dorms.

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