• Jealous~ Bakugou x reader Pt.1 💕

Start from the beginning

"You shouldn't be so rude babe, c'mon let's just go say hi"

"No kai wait-?!"

Too late. He had already started marching over to the table with a confident smile on his face.

Before you could move to stop him you were being dragged the opposite direction by an enthusiastic pinkette.

"M-Mina! Let go! I need to go stop him before he-"

"Don't worry sis, he'll be fine"


"Relax, I told kiri to make sure Bakugou stays tame, nothings gonna happen to Kai I'm sure they'll all play nice"

'Sure...my egotistical boyfriend with my even cockier ex, what could go wrong?'


"Hi, I'm Kai, you mist be Kirishima?"

'The hell is he doing over here??(Y/NNN)..??'

I shot (Y/N) a pleading glance as my girlfriend dragged her away and I shook the hand that he had reached out to me.

"Oh? And I didn't get your name?" He spoke leaning over to sit next to Bakugou.

'AGHHH!!! MISSION ABORT!!! Mina's gonna kill me (д;)=3=3=3'

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you Kai but I really don't think you wanna be sitting there right now" I sweatdropped as I tried to motion him away from the booth

"Why wouldn't I-?"

"You got half a second to get the fuck off my table"

"Quite some temper for a guy without a name" Kai smirked antagonistically

"You deaf? I said leave."

"Look buddy, I don't know what your problem is but you gotta watch how you talk to people or else you might get hurt" he glared

"You pickin a fight extra?!" Bakugou stood from his seat, gripping Kai by the collar.

"And what if I am?!" Kai retaliated doing the same to Bakugou.

"Yo boys! If you're gonna fight take it outside! This is a peaceful drinking establishment!" The bar keep yelled

"Guys I don't think you-"

"Come on then you spikey haired fucker" Kai hissed stomping out the back exit

I could see small explosions forming at Bakugou's palms as he followed

'I better go make sure they don't kill each other ʅ)ʃ'

"Kai, Bakugou. I really think you two should just separate and cool off-"

"Bakugou? That's your name huh??"

"What's it to ya shit for brains"

"I knew you sounded familiar."

"Huh?!the fuck d'ya mean?!"

"You're (Y/N)'s ex right?"

I watched as Bakugou's body went stiff, eyebrow twitching in agitation

"I am. So what?"

"So your the one who's voicemails I deleted."

"You what"

"Funny thing is you probably thought she just listened and ignored it..."

'Ohhhh shit'

"jheeze you really need to move on bro. (Y/N)'s clearly upgraded and I doubt she'll ever wanna stoop back down to your level again"

'Only god can save him now ( ・∇・)'

"...I'll kill you.."

"I'd love to see you tr-uaghh!"

He was cut short by a sharp jab to the gut

'I mean.. I would stop him but this guy really had it comin' I thought to myself as I watched

"WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN BASTARD!!" He howled as he pummelled Kai

Before long people from the bar started pouring out to watch the fight. By this time Kai had regained what little control of the situation he could and was now stood opposite Bakugou with a busted lip and bruised eye.

"You wanna dance Bakugou? Let's fucking dance" he spat, wiping his mouth before he charged back into him, tackling him to the ground.

The two of them kept at it until it was clear Bakugou would win. As they continued to exchange punches I felt an ominous presence from behind me.

I twisted my head to see my girlfriend surrounded by a thick purple aura and she looked pissed.

'I'm so dead'

"Eijiro baby~" she hummed sweetly

"Y-yes Mina" I forced a smile to hide my fear.

"What was the one thing I asked of you??"


"To keep those two from fighting?!"

"Mina babe chill, it's not like I didn't try to diffuse the situation but Kai's a douchebag."

"Alright" she sighed "lets just break them up before (Y/N) sees-"

"The fuck is going on here?!"

"Too late" I frowned"


You stepped out to the crowd to see your boyfriend and your ex brawling it out...well? It looked more like Kai was getting his ass handed to him if you were completely honest.

When they heard your voice the both of them stopped and looked over to you.

"Not my problem your boyfriend's a pussy ass bitch" Katsuki grunted disinterestedly

"Shut the fuck up" Kai growled in embarrassment "fuck this shit. I'm leaving" he huffed shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away, the crowd parting for him to pass through.

Once it was obvious no further fighting would occur, the crowd dispersed.

"Hey, you!" You spat grabbing hold of the back of Katsuki's jacket.

He turned to face you and cocked his brow

"What was all that about?! God, could you seriously not just leave him alone?!"

"Hey, that asshole picked a fight with me not the other way around kay? So next time you hook up with someone make sure he can back his shit"

"Excuse me?" You furrowed your brows "next time I hook up with someone? Pretty fucking rich coming from you?!"

"Tsk. You know I didn't mean it like that"

"Fuck you katsuki" you hissed, releasing his jacket as you walked away. "You really haven't changed one bit asshole"

You didn't turn around so you didn't notice the hurt expression on your exes face.

"Sorry guys" you apologised to your friends "next time I'll just come without him"

"It's okay girl, go find Kai and let me know how you're doing later on" Mina patted your shoulder lightly with a sympathetic expression before snapping her head round to Ei with a look of murderous intent.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later" you sighed, picking up your phone to dial Kai's number.

Just another book of bnha one shots..I think?Where stories live. Discover now