An Unfortunate Turn Of Events

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"I'm sorry about your car," Linda looked to Danny as they walked back to her apartment.
He shrugged, "it's my own fault for not putting gas in the thing." Danny shrugged, causally looking behind him.
Linda stopped abruptly behind her bodyguard. What happened? What did he see to make him stop like that? "What-"
But before she could finish, he had grabbed her upper arms and thrust his lips onto hers.
The blonde's eyebrows raised as his grip tightened slightly. Although she had been secretly fantasizing what their first kiss would be like, she turned her head away. "What the hell are you doing, Danny?!"
"Don't look, but there's a man following us. He could be the suspect."
"LaRue?" Linda started to turn her head when Danny abruptly grabbed her chin and brought her face to his.
A whisper away from her lips, he hissed, "I said don't look!"
This time, Linda didn't resist the kiss. In fact, she was the one who initiated it. Her hand rested on the back of his neck, her other hand gripping his elbow. She noted he tasted like coffee and fast food French fries; his musky cologne filled her head, and if she was in a Sinatra song, the stars would go red.
Danny moved his lips to her cheek, "he's gone."
Linda opened her eyes, "Huh?"
"Come on, let's get you back to the apartment," he grabbed her hand and started briskly walking to her building. All she could think about was that kiss.
"F***," Danny mumbled under his breath when he pushed the apartment door open.
"Holy shit," Linda muttered slowly, walking into her apartment. "What? Why? When? Who?"
"You forgot how."
"How?!" She stood in the middle of the main room, "How? I've been robbed!"
"Oh, you weren't robbed. You were burgled."
"Like that's any better!" Her hands made contact with her thighs as she felt her chest tighten.
"He's obviously onto us, or you." He clicked his tongue, "I knew this was going to happen, I just hoped we'd stop it before it did."
"What- what do I do now? I- I ob-" she swallowed, her hands on her stomach. She sat on the white chair, where some tears escaped.
"We need to get you somewhere safe. Somewhere where he doesn't know." Danny furrowed his brow as Linda covered her mouth with her hands. She was making muffled noises, almost as if she was trying to keep from screaming. "Linda?" He quickly crossed the floor littered with trash and evidence, and kneeled in front of the chair.
The nurse visibly shook with muffled sobs. She wasn't sure what she was saying as she abruptly stood up and walked to the bedroom. She pressed her forehead against the cool wood as her hand forcibly gripped the knob.
Danny jumped as Linda actually let out a scream. She screamed and screamed and screamed. Quickly he gathered her into a hug, sinking to the floor as he felt her knees shaking. His brain must've been on autopilot or something, because he wouldn't have chosen to run his fingers through her hair, or to kiss her forehead.
At the kiss, Linda looked up. She whimpered, blinking rapidly before clutching her fists around Danny's shirt fabric and scrunching her eyes shut. She calmed down after a few more screams, apologizing through desisting tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me." Danny tilted Linda's head up, so he could look into her blue eyes. He pushed her hair away from her face, "it's okay. It's okay; I'll have a team come in here, and we'll come back for your clothes. But right now, we gotta get you outta here."
Linda started scratching her face and neck, and rubbing her eyes vigorously. "You said you had a safe place?"

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