The Officers

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It had been two weeks since Linda broke up with LaRue. She had been getting apology flowers, chocolates, shoes, and phone calls. She didn't understand the 'apology shoes', but excepted them; she had called him multiple times, leaving messages, saying she wanted him to back off. Saying she was done with him, and never wanted to see him again.
It was Linda's day off, and she decided to treat herself to a well-deserved shopping spree. She'd go downtown, buy some clothes, and forget about LaRue.
Linda had put her recently acquired clothing into her car. She had parked near all the stores she wanted to visit, being able to walk to each one. She locked the car doors and headed for her favorite boutique.
"No...." she whispered when she heard the familiar voice. Pushing her anger temporarily aside, she forced a fake smile, "Hello, Tom."
"I was just wondering if you wanna go out tonight?"
"Oh, you know what? I've got a date," Linda lied. She'd have to come up with a fake boyfriend fast. "Yeah, he's really handsome. And so kind. With the most beautiful eyes ever. It's getting pretty serious!" She sort of sang, hoping Tom would go away.
"Oh. Maybe tomorrow, huh?" He patted her shoulder, "I gotta go."
Linda groaned as she watched him walk away. She only hoped that what he was doing was harassment. Now she was on a mission to find police officers instead of a light mauve two inch heel.
Linda smiled widely when she saw two officers writing up a parking ticket. "Excuse me, Officers!" The blonde caught the attention of two police men.
"Yes Ma'am?" The young one turned around and smiled at her, making her loose all logical thought.
"Um.. uh.. um.." she babbled as she got lost in the rookie's smile and hazel eyes. "I um.."
The older officer tapped Linda on the shoulder, averting her attention. "Is there a problem?"
"Yes. Um..." she searched for the right word. "Stalker!" Her finger tips barely touched the rookie's chest as she put her arms out, remembering why she had called them. "I think I have a stalker."
"Okay. I'm officer Reagan, this is Sargent Gormley." The rookie introduced himself and the superior officer. "What's your name?"
"My name? What's my name?" Linda breathlessly wondered. "Linda! I'm Linda."
Danny smirked, "Linda What?"
"You say ya have a stalker?" Gormley drew her attention back to the reason why she had called them.
"Yes. Well, maybe. Is it stalking if a person keeps following you and giving you things and hitting on you even after you said 'scram'?"
"Yes, that's stalking." Danny nodded, writing something on the note pad.
"Hey, you're a leftie!" She smiled, pointing to Danny's left hand.
He smiled back and lifted the pencil, "Yup. And I'm guessing you're right handed?"
"Yeah! I used to think lefties were uncommon, but I'm seeing a lotta them!"
"Miss?" Gormley tried to get her attention. "What's the stalker's name?"
"Oh! Um, Tomas J. LaRue."
"Sounds fancy." Danny smirked as he wrote down the name.
"Don't be fooled. He's really an ass."
"Do you know where he lives?"
"Where he works?"
"St. Vic's. Up in the psych ward."
Danny nodded, "how do you know this guy?"
"He works at the same hospital as me. I went out with him a few times, just for the heck of it, and now he's smothering me."
"Smothering?" Gormley had a hard time believing her. The way she seemed more interested in his partner than her supposed stalker didn't sit well with him.
"Yes! He keeps giving me, uh," Linda couldn't focus on her thoughts as the young officer softly smiled at her. "Um... following! He keeps following me."
Before either officer could ask a question, the RMP car's radio came to life.
"We gotta go." Gormley headed to the car.
Linda sighed, "he doesn't believe me. Does he?"
"Uh—" Danny started to say.
"Reagan!" Gormley called.
He looked towards the car, "here." He handed her his card. "It's got my desk number and my personal number. Feel free to call if you need help."
"Come on!" Gormley yelled again.
"Thanks," Linda smiled as Danny rushed to the car. She turned the card over in her fingers and smiled before putting it in her wallet.

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