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Linda fell to the floor, letting her tears out. She watched as the man who had viscously assaulted her left her apartment. She could only cry at the moment, overwhelmed with emotion. She looked at her inner thigh, where LaRue had dragged the knife. He pressed hard enough to draw blood, but hadn't gashed the skin. She put a hand on her face, trying to get her breathing regulated. Now she had to call the cops. She couldn't let that monster do that to someone else. She stumbled to the door and locked it. She put her hand over her mouth, trying to stop the sobs. She slid to the floor once more, unaware of the events that were about to take place.
It was out of his jurisdiction, he had no say in the case, he couldn't possibly have any evidence for the case. So why was Officer Danny Reagan asking the detectives for the file?
"Danny, we told you." Detective Lee told him. "Unless you have direct contact with the perp, we can't give you the files."
"But this guy is a stalker! I know who he's stalked."
"Technically, stalking isn't against the law," Detective Lee's partner, Detective Baines answered. "Only if it puts the other person in danger."
Danny rolled his eyes, "What's the crime anyways?"
"Their is no crime. Just history."
"Fine. Then what's the pryers?"
"Sexual assault, harassment, grand larceny." Lee read off.
"And this guy's still on the streets?"
"Because he did all those things when he was a juvie. That's why his file was sealed." Baines explained. "Why do you wanna know anyway?"
"Cause I had a complaint about this LaRue guy. He was harassing her."
"Who? How so?"
"Uh.... Linda something or other was complaining that LaRue kept.... bugging her, even after she said no."
"How did he bug her?"
"I dunno. We had a call before she could tell me."
"Do you know where she lives?" Lee wondered, looking up 'Lindas' in the system.
"Um... no.... hold on," Danny reached for his notepad. "I wrote her name down here somewhere..." he looked through the messily scrawled notes. "Oh, here it is! Linda O'Shea. Oscar-Smith- Hotel- Echo- Adam."
Lee typed in her name, "Nope. No Linda O'Shea in the system."
"I'll find her. After all, I know where she and the psycho works." Danny left, leaving the detectives a little bit confused.
Meanwhile, Linda was taking shower after showing, trying to wash off the violated feeling she had. No matter what she did, she couldn't wash the dirty feeling off herself. She finally stepped out of the shower, and dried herself off. She put on her pajamas, her tears coming fast. She felt like she had to go to church to confess, even though she did nothing wrong. She looked at the carpet in the bedroom. There was a mixture of blood and sperm. She couldn't sleep there tonight, knowing what he did to her, what he took away from her.
Linda hoped tv would take her mind off of everything. She didn't know this was the start of an emotional roller coaster that only one person could help her get off.

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