I Can't Sleep

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"Thatta fact?" Danny smiled, raising his eyebrows.
"Very much so. Kids need at least ten, teens at least eight, adults at least six. But I always average eight- it's a good, round number."
"Well, thank you for that insight."
"You're welcome."
Linda sighed as she pulled back the covers, kneeling into the bed. She wore her favorite pajamas- an old T-shirt and underwear. She flung her braid behind her shoulder, only to put it in front of her shoulder once more. She quickly spun on her heel, remembering what she had to do.
Danny was busy setting up the sleeper couch when Linda walked in, her T-shirt barely covering her butt.
"H-" his voice cracked, noticing her long, lean legs. "Hey. What's up?"
"I just wanted to tell you you can watch tv if you want, I won't mind."
The cop nodded, grabbing a pillow. He (hopefully) nonchalantly let it rest in front of the front of his pants. "I'll just find a book or something quiet to do."
"Cool. Night."
"Night." He watched her somewhat bound into her room, holding his breath. He dropped the pillow as he let his breath go. "Man, this is not going to be easy."
Linda snuggled into covers, hoping she would fall asleep fast this time. Recently, she had been having trouble falling asleep. She wondered if it had anything to do with LaRue....
"D- Danny?" Linda gently poked his arm. "Danny! Danny, wake up!"
The cop groaned, "is it morning already?"
"No, well, kind of. I just... I can't sleep. Can we talk or something for a bit?"
"Sure," Danny rubbed his eye, sitting up. He patted the space next to him, "get comfy."
She hesitantly sat on the bed, wary of cop. Ordinarily, she wouldn't think much of it, but since LaRue happened, she was very cautious.
"Get under the covers. You can have 'em all. I'm a hot sleeper."
"I bet you are," Linda mumbled, noting the cop's bare torso. It was toned and perfect.
"What?" Danny wondered, sitting cross legged.
"I said 'oh really?'" She completely lied.
"Yeah. I guess you are too?"
"You're only wearing a T-shirt."
"Oh," Linda looked at her NKOTB shirt she had on. "Um, these are just my summer pajamas. Pants are too hot."
"What about shorts?"
She shrugged, "it's just easier to wear a T-shirt and underwear."
"I think so too. My Dad calls them 'army pajamas'. I'm not quite sure why..." he shrugged, dismissing the thought.
Linda nodded, "I don't like wearing pajama pants."
"Too much of a hassle."
"Yup..." she sighed as she picked at the covers.
"Why don't you get comfy?"
She frowned, "all I wanna do is talk!"
Danny was a little surprised that she said it quickly and a little forcefully. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna take advantage of you, I ain't that guy."
"Okay, yeah, but- How-"
"Linda, relax. You'll have your bed space, I'll have mine." He ran his hand down the middle of the covers, creating an invisible line. "See?"
"Okay. Sorry, it's just-"
"You don't have to explain. I understand that I'm a very fine specimen."
Linda laughed out loud. Not because she disagreed (Danny was probably the sexiest person she had ever seen), but because of the airy voice he used.
Danny smiled and laughed as well, liking her laughter. Maybe this won't be so bad after all....

It's been a while, I know. I hope to write more of this

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