A Mystery

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"A mystery?" Linda repeated as Danny somewhat ran back into the precinct. "Wait a minute!" She got out of the car and followed him, wanting to know what the heck he was talking about.
"It's not hers, Sarge." Danny said, "and Linda doesn't remember the perp using two knives."
"We'll send this over to the lab."
"What happens if that's not my blood?" Linda pointed to the knife.
Gormley looked up, "who're you?"
"Linda O'Shea. The victim." She held out her hand to shake Gormley's.
"Then it's gonna be really weird." Danny stated, looking at the second knife.
"Mondo bizarre-o." The blonde mused, hands on her hips. She looked up at Danny who was supporting a weird face. She only smiled and nodded, her face getting warmer when he smiled back.
"I'll let you know what happens," Gormley tried to bring them out of the trance.
"Good. So," Danny put a hand on Linda's shoulder, "ready for that dinner?"
She smiled, "yessir."
"Let's go."
"Reagan," Gormley called as they walked away.
"Oh, you go on ahead, I'll catch up." He turned back to his Sarge. "What's wrong?"
"You." Gormley stated plainly.
"You. Dinner? Really?"
"Oh, come on, Sarge! She wanted to go out, and I'm her bodyguard, so therefore I have to go with her."
"Just remember the rule."
"What do you take me for?"
"A cheat."
"Aimee?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Oh crap. Well, I'm gonna break up with her anyways, so...." he saw Gormley make a weird face, "I'll behave myself, okay?"
"You better."
Linda shook her head, laughing. "No way!"
"I'm not lying to you!" Danny held up his hands, smiling widely.
"The key to the liquor cabinet?"
"He's been a strange, little kid the entire time I've known him."
"Pearl earrings. If you ever see him, we never had this conversation."
"Oh, of course. My lips are sealed!"
"Danny?" A tall brunette walked up to him. "I didn't know you were here!"
"Hi, sis." He stood up and hugged her.
Erin looked to the blonde. "Hey... Linda, right?"
"Yeah." She nodded, smiling.
"I didn't know you were dating her. I thought you were with Aimee."
"Oh, we're not dating." Linda pointed to a chair. "Go ahead an' sit. He's my bodyguard."
Erin looked to Danny, "really?"
Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that. "Absolutely. She's a major witness in a case.... you here with Jackass?" Danny ate a bite of the breadstick.
"Numb-nuts, his name... is Jack."
Linda looked away, a slight blush creeping up her face.
"How do you know Linda?"
"Oh, Maria introduced us."
"Baez?" He smiled and looked to Linda, "you know Baez?"
"Yeah. She came into the ER once. Not for very long, though. Two, three days."
"She's a good friend."
"There you are," a tall, handsome man came up to Erin, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You ready to go?"
"Yeah. See ya Sunday. Bye, Linda." Erin stood up.
"Bye." Linda smiled and watched as the man and Erin left. "Is that Jack?"
"He's cute."
"That's the only thing he's got going for him." Danny mumbled, scooting closer to the table.
Linda only smiled, rolling her eyes. "So, who's, uh... who's Aimee?"
"Ugh. A mistake. I don't know what I was thinking, but she's my fiancée."
Linda's face unintentionally fell, "you're engaged?"
"For the moment. I've been meaning to break it off for a long time. She's in England or Peru or somewhere, touring with the orchestra."
"Ooh. What does she play?"
Linda nodded, "I've always wanted to learn an instrument."
"Why didn't you?"
She shrugged, "not enough time or drive, I guess."
He nodded, "you got work tomorrow?"
"Mhmm. Bright and early."
"How early?"
"Seven. Not  really that early, but it's a long shift. Seven am to eleven pm."
"Mhmm. Pulling a double.... well, half a double. Sorta."
"What time do you usually go to bed?"
"10:30 to 11:00."
"What?" Danny was surprised. He hadn't gone to bed at eleven since he was... well, eleven.
"Eight hours, Danny. If you don't get those eight hours, you're gonna suffer serious consequences."

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