Chapter 25

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Ferdinand descended down the stairs and made it to the hatchery with the other rebels. The hatchery itself was a cave. There were demon eggs of all monstrosities lying around in groups scattered all over the place. The few sentries stationed there were too little to hold off the rebels and in a matter of seconds, they all laid dead.

The rebels hacked at those eggs, poking it with their makeshift spears and whatever weapon their hand held at the time, feeling absolutely no remorse for the unborn demons that lay within. They committed absolute atrocities down there, and no demon was there to witness it.


Luna and Miranda fought their way to the throne room, killing off demons that crossed their paths. They finally made it to a chamber that was only one door away from the throne room, finishing off the remaining guards and destroying some furniture in the process.

"This is it, Luna." Miranda shot a glare at her apprentice. "Let's finish this."

Miranda pushed the doors open, revealing the Lord of Bones sitting on his throne with Aeziana and Velmaia standing on both his sides as if they're his loyal servant.

"Who dares comes into my dwelling? Are you the one who's trying to overthrow me?" the Bone Lord asked.

"Overthrow you?" Miranda answered. "We're here to kill you."

The Bone Lord laughed at Miranda's statement. "Kill me? No foolish human would even think about it."

Miranda thrust her free hand forward and launched angelic fire at him. The Bone Lord flinched at the pain of the fire. He looked at Miranda who smirked at him. He said that no foolish human would think about killing him, but if that girl blasted him with angelic fire then that means that she's no human.

"I see," the Bone Lord continued. "You are a seraphim." He stood up and grabbed a spear that was a part of his throne. The handle was made out of a spine with a sharp bone as a spear head. "That will make killing you all the more fun."

He jumped forward in an attempt to kill Miranda in the first move, but Miranda got out of the way and the two engaged in single combat. Luna wanted to join in, but before she could even touch him, some powerful force pushed her and sent her flying out the door.

By the time Luna got on her feet, she saw Velmaia standing before her as the door to the throne room closes, separating her from Miranda. She drew her sword ready to face what's coming.

"So, you've been learning magic, haven't you?" Velmaia asked.

Luna gave her no answer, her sword pointed at her opponent.

"I suppose you're the kind of person who does more than they talk. Very well, then." Velmaia thrust her hand and a beam of demon fire erupted from it. Luna's reflexes told her to do the same and they were locked in a magical struggle between angel and demon.

Luna struggled whereas Velmaia was more relaxed. Proof of her lifetime of experience, while Luna had a handful of training only recently. She could see that the struggle was turning against her favor so she disengaged and dodge rolled away before the fire could hit her. They stared at each other for a while and then Velmaia raised her hand, which also happened to raise some of the broken furnitures before hurling them at Luna one by one.

Luna was able to catch the objects mid-flight using her magic and sent them in another direction before throwing the last one back at Velmaia with full force. Velmaia flinched at Luna's counterattack but she quickly picked herself up. She knocked Luna's sword off her hand and pushed her forward, pinning her against the wall. She walked slowly towards her, drawing her knife making sure that she didn't release Luna from her magical grip.

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