Chapter 17

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As the rebels swept through the forest purging it of demons, Luna thought that it was a good opportunity to practice her magic. She would hurl stones at the demons and use them as dummies for her angelic arson. The more she used it, the easier it got for her to perform it, becoming like an instinct.

The day went by and the rebels made a stop at the city of Stonefall, which was located in a giant crater with a filtering dam that separated it from the river, preventing its water from flooding the city yet at the same time providing it with clean water.

The rebels descended down a slope to the crater to see demons living amongst the populace, but they simply ignored them for now as they didn't want to cause chaos. They found a place to settle for the night, lodging in the houses of other rebels who were kind enough to host them, while the others like Miranda went for the inn. Unfortunately for Luna, and a few other women in the rebel party, all the lodging in both the inn and the rebels' houses were complete occupied, they had nowhere to go.

Luna and the rebels roamed the city in search of a place to stay and soon they were approached by a pregnant lady.

"Looking for a place to stay?" the pregnant lady asked.

"Why, yes," one of the rebels said.

"Come with me," the lady offered kindly.

The rebels followed the lady to a big house, bigger than the average houses within the city, perhaps she's someone of great importance. As they stepped inside they saw that the place was populated with many girls from those younger than Luna to those that were way older. Some of them were even pregnant, just like the lady. But what surprised Luna the most were the presence of female demons in the place.

"When you were offering us a place to stay for the night, I never thought you'd take us to a brothel," one of them complained.

"Or would you rather spend the night outside?" retorted the pregnant lady. "There are demons out there."

"I don't care, I'm not afraid of demons," the girl answered. "I'm not spending a night with prostitutes." She left through the door. All the other rebels who had a similar thought left as well, leaving Luna alone with the prostitutes.

"So I guess you're the only one left," the brothel owner said. "Come on, it's not that bad here. You can stay."

Luna's thoughts scrambled. Either she could spend the night with them and some demons or she can traverse a demon-infested city and catch up with the others before they're too far. "I'm going with them."

As she was about to reach the door, the Owner blocked her way. "Oh, please don't. We know you're tired, you should rest. Perhaps if you're lucky, you can even get an incubus tonight."

Luna's heard of the incubus. They were said to be quite seductive and irresistible, often sleeping with women giving them intense pleasure. But even then, her fear of demons was too much and she never wanted to meet one, yet alone have sex with one. "No, thank you. I'm going with them."

She tried to reach the door open but the Owner didn't move aside, preventing her from leaving. "Excuse me, please."

"They're probably too far now, you'll get lost in the dark." The Owner was still blocking her way.

She was right. Luna probably didn't know where they were now or where they were headed, meaning that if she did leave the brothel, she'd still have to find her way around the city with demons wandering here and there. Sure, she had gotten a lot of exposure to demons lately, but if she picked a fight with just one demon, she's pretty sure that others would come and overwhelm her. "Where do I sleep?"

The pregnant lady escorted her to one of the rooms. It was already cleaned from whoever used it last time. She laid down her sword and the rest of her gear. Before she laid herself to bed, she heard something that came from the next room. She stuck her ear on the wall and caught some moaning, shivering at the sound of it. She laid herself on the bed and blew the candles that was the only source of light before closing her eyes to sleep.


So what do you all think of this chapter? What dou you all think will happen next? Comment down below and don't forget to vote.

I dedicate this chapter to QueenCrystalMoon who is my judge in an award I entered. Wishing you all the best, judge!


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