Chapter 16

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Aeziana headed back to the forest where she and her sisters had originally set up base. Her plan to split their army and take back Seabreeze Landing had failed drastically, meaning that she won't be able to bear good news to her sisters. When she arrived, she saw Velmaia along with whatever's left of her forces.

"Only so few remained," Aeziana said. "Were you able to retake the desert?"

"We lost the battle," Velmaia replied. "The humans launched a coordinated counterattack, we were forced to flee."

Aeziana looked around. Something was missing. Someone was missing. "Where's Haphiri?"

"Dead," Velmaia said through a sad face. "She got hit by an arrow when we're retreating."

Aeziana's hand flew to her mouth as their eyes filled up with tears. Velmaia was the first to sob, and as much as Aeziana wanted to hold back her tears, she gave in to it eventually.

"What are we going to do?" Velmaia asked desperately. "Our forces are thin and we have no where to go."

Aeziana pulled herself together. She took a deep breath and forced herself to stop her weeping. "We need help from a powerful demon. One more powerful than both of us." She wiped away her tears. "We're going north, and ask for help from the Lord of Bones."


Who is this Lord of Bones these girls spoke of and is he as powerful as they say he is? Stay tuned and find out. Do comment down below on what you think of this chapter and as usual, don't forget to vote.

I dedicate this chapter to pikadash13 who is the host of an award I recently participated in and won second place. Hope you're doing enjoying the story. Here's to you ❤️


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