Chapter 20

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Luna and Miranda walked through the forest not knowing where they're really going. Tracking the demon was difficult. Miranda suggested that the demon could fly so that its feet didn't touch the ground, leaving behind any tracks. They encountered several demons on their journey and Miranda instructed Luna to handle them as part of her training while she watched from a safe distance.

"Where do you think this demon is?" Luna asked.

"I don't know, that's why we keep looking," Miranda answered.

They stopped in front of a cave that gave them a strong feeling that someone or something lived inside shrouded in the darkness.

"Do you think it's in there?" Luna asked.

"Why don't we find out?" Miranda shot a glare at her apprentice.

They ventured into the darkness of the cave. Their ears caught nothing but silence. The air smelled of moisture and also felt like it. Luna lit up a fire on her palm and smirked - she was clearly making progress on her magic skills.

"Nicely done," Miranda complemented.

They delved further into the cave. To their surprise no demons tried to pounce of them, cause there were none. Something just felt wrong. They're in demon territories, and usually demons would inhabit caves and dark places, but there isn't one down there. They finally made it to a wide chamber and there in the middle lay a sleeping woman with horns and bat-like wings covering her body.

"You think she's the one?" Luna asked.

"Let's kill her and see if any other babies go missing." Miranda drew her sword.

Luna followed and did the same. She tip-toed her way to the demon's head and just as she about to plunge her sword into it, the demon jerked and let out a burst of energy that sent Luna and Miranda flying some distance away. Luna landed flat on her back and although it hurts, she managed to get up to keep fighting. The demon arose and spread her leathery wings wide before giving a terrible shriek.

"That's the one," Miranda said.

"How do you know?" Luna asked.

"I've heard that exact same shriek last night. And you say that the lady's baby had gone missing by the time she woke up?" Miranda answered.

The demon leapt up high with a flap of its wings and set fire to the ground. Luna evaded the fire and switched to her gun, firing three rounds to send her off balance. The demon fell down as Miranda rushed to finish her, but as she raised her blade, the demon thrust her arm forward and sent her flying again.

Luna rushed in to strike her but the demon dodged her attack. She grabbed Luna's sword hand and with some supernatural strength threw her at Miranda. Luna felt the impact on her body, how it struck her to the bone, even though she was wearing light leather armor like Miranda.

She picked herself up and with full force, let out angelic fire spew out from her fingertips, aiming it towards the demon. The demon countered her attack by launching the demonic green flame from her fingertips and engaged her in a power struggle.

Miranda could see that the green fire beam was dominating the struggle and she made her way to flank the demon before stabbing her through the chest.

The demon shrieked in pain. Miranda withdrew her sword and chopped her head off, leaving it to roll on the ground before it came to a stop.

"Well that's that," Miranda said.

Luna was panting from all the fight. "So do we go back now?"

Miranda knelt down next to the body. She took her knife and cut off one the demon's fingers. "Now we go."


Fun fact: the fetus eating demon is actually inspired by the Manananggal. Do you guys know about the Manananggal? Comment down below and if you think this story is enjoyable, do consider voting.

I dedicate this chapter to cyndystans who voted on all chapters of the first book. Here's to you, enjoy!


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