Chapter 15

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The rebels piled the bodies up at the center of the camp and Miranda burned them with angel fire just as she did after the Battle of Seabreeze Landing. The people she sent on the supply run returned just before sunset and they began setting up camp and cooking dinner.

Luna sat on a log next to the great blue campfire that was burning the demons. Around her, people were chatting while the injured were being treated. She never thought that a day like that would come. A day when she would actually participate in a battle against the one thing she feared most and actually emerged victorious.

"Luna, come with me," Miranda called from behind her.

Luna got up and began following Miranda away from the crowd of people. "What is it?"

"It's time for me to teach you the next part - magic." Miranda could see the excitement in Luna's eyes.

"So where do we begin?" Luna asked.

Miranda summoned a rock to her hand before placing it on Luna's palm. "Lift this rock."

"What?" Luna asked, feeling confused.

"I want you to lift this rock with magic," Miranda said. "Concentrate. You must will for it to happen. You must want it with every bit of your heart."

Luna stared at the rock, concentrating. It began to wobble in her hand and slowly took off from her palm. She smirked but barely could contain her laugh of excitement.

"Nicely done," Miranda complemented. "Keep practicing."

"How long did it take you to learn this?" Luna asked.

"Not too long," Miranda answered. "Just keep practicing. The more you use it, the more you'll get used to it. And once you've mastered it, it'll just flow like water in a river."

The two returned to the campsite where the cook had served mushroom stew for everyone. While enjoying her dinner, Luna saw Janus calling his wife, again. She chatted with the rebels sitting next to her, and due to all the physical activities she had done that day, she ate a larger portion than her usual.

The rebels settled into their tents, while those who didn't have one to sleep under slept near the campfire to keep themselves warm. Janus was with the first shift squad, as usual. Miranda slept near the campfire so that Luna could have the tent. Luna felt bad for her master having to sleep outside in order to give the comfort of the tent to her. But at the very least, she got a good night's sleep.

Luna woke up the next day when the dawn was breaking which was earlier than her usual time to wake up. She got out of her tent and took a deep breath, letting the morning air enter her lungs and refresh her.

"You're up early," Miranda said from a distance.

"Going to go practice," Luna answered.

Luna walked to the edge of the camp and found a small rock she could practice on. She lifted her hand slowly and began moving the rock around. She experimented with her powers and continued to practice them with some struggles along the way before being called for breakfast.

After breakfast was done, Miranda led the rebels through the forest, purging every demon that came to their sight. Once, Luna hurled a rock at a demon to knock it down from a tree before finishing it off on the ground. She resumed her magic training further by pushing and pulling demons at many direction and let the other rebels finish them off.

"You seem to have gotten the hang of it," Miranda said over dinner.

"Maybe." Luna took a bite of her food.

"Once you're done, I'll teach you magic even further. This is where it gets really useful when fighting demons." She finished her dinner and left her bowl to those responsible for washing them.

As soon as Luna finished hers, she met up with Miranda some distance away from the campsite just like the night before.

"Now what I'm about to teach you can be quite dangerous," Miranda started. "Are you ready?"

"I have to be," Luna answered.

"Alright." Miranda ignited her hand with angelic fire.

Luna gazed at its beauty. The elegant blue flame dancing on Miranda's palm, illuminating the dark. Miranda clenched her fist and the fire died out.

"Now," Miranda began. "Close your eyes. Reach deep into your angelic side."

Luna closed her eyes and breathed, calming herself. She concentrated to tap into the side she's unfamiliar with, but knew it was there inside her.

"Now you must will for it to happen. You must want it with every piece of you. Picture the fire in your hands."

Luna suddenly felt warmth in her hand. She opened her eyes and there in her hands were blue, angelic fire. She raised them to get a closer look. Her lips couldn't help to smile in her accomplishment before she broke into a chuckle. " I did it," she said, smiling. "I actually did it." She looked at Miranda. "What now?"

"Now we rest, we continue our journey and your training tomorrow."

Luna settled into her tent while Miranda took the first watch with some other rebels to keep the camp safe.


So that's the first lesson in magic. How powerful do you think Luna will be after completely mastering it? Leave comments down below and don't forget to hit that start button.

I dedicate this chapter to Lumos4life who is the host of the Hogwarts awards. Hope you're doing well and good luck with the hosting and judging.


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