Chapter 14

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By the evening, the rebels had already surrounded the demon encampment, hiding in the woods for cover before actually launching the surprise attack. Miranda had instructed them not to utter a battle cry as it would only alert their enemies to their presence.

All around, the rebels waited silently for the right moment. The archers had their arrows nocked, every sword was drawn, spears were at the ready. Miranda drew her sword and thrust it forward, signalling the attack.

The archers fired their arrows first, killing off the first few victims before the close combatants charged at them. Shrieks and cries of the demons expressing their pain and marking their death were heard everywhere.

Miranda quickly finished off the demon she's fighting and charged at a horde she saw coming. Once close enough, she thrust her free hand from which blue fire burst out from. The demons burned, some only partially, some their entire body. She looked to the distance and saw Luna killing a demon before moving on to assist someone with their kill.

She went to the place where the humans haven't fought on yet and tanked it herself slaying every demon she could see by either swinging her sword, or by spewing out angel fire. The humans were actually winning. Miranda could see demon bodies everywhere, but less bodies of humans. She went on to find Luna to make sure she was alright, killing a couple more demons on the way.

In the center of the camp, she saw Luna staring down a light auburn haired girl. She recognized her, it was the girl who planned to besiege Seabreeze, not to mention that they had met before at Lathrion. She was one of the cambions who helped relieve the siege, but in exchange asked for the surrender of the base - Aeziana.

"Luna, no!" Miranda ran towards them. "Do not engage her!"

Aeziana thrust her hand forward and sent Luna flying in the air. She landed a few meters away, flat on her back. Miranda stopped in front of Aeziana with her sword pointed at her opponent.

"So, we meet again," Aeziana said, receiving no reply from her. "It's been a while."

She paused and waited for Miranda to talk, but Miranda remained silent.

"Tell me," she continued. "how's that Ferdinand boy? Is he alright? I like him, he could be of good use to us."

Aeziana heard a click behind her. She looked back to see Luna holding her revolver, pointing it at her head. With a flick of her finger, the gun slipped out of Luna's hand and dropped on the ground. "You think it'll be that easy?"

Green fire ignited on Aeziana's hand, which frightened Luna upon seeing it. As Luna stepped backwards, Aeziana stepped forward. She raised her hand, but before she could do anything, a powerful telekinetic force pushed her from the side, knocking her down a few feet away. She rose up and looked around, her army was in a state of disarray - bodies were everywhere, structures were destroyed, she had lost.

Aeziana whistled and not long after, her hellhound appeared. Hurriedly, she mounted on it and began fleeing the camp. "Retreat! Everybody retreat!"

Whatever demons were left started following Aeziana as she withdrew from the battle. The rebels let out a triumphant shout as they saw their enemy flee.

"What do we do now?" Luna asked.

"I want a someone to go back to Seabreeze and get some supplies!" Miranda ordered. "We camp here tonight, tomorrow we purge the forest of demons!"


Now that she's defeated, what's Aeziana's next move, comment down below, I'd love to hear about it. As always, if you want to support me, you can always hit that star button to vote.

I dedicate this chapter to stellayumiko318 who just launched her on-screen acting career. Do take your time to watch her performance, it'll only take 15 minutes of your time. Enjoy the movie :)


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