#30- Just Like Daddy -DDM

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||age: 4||
||y/n- your name||
||summary- Niall decided to bring you on an on stage interviewer with thousands of people watching  and the interviewer asked you a few questions and one of the questions happened to be what you wanted to be when you older||

Niall Pov:

I was getting ready to go on stage with y/n because I had to bring her to an interview with me because nobody else could watch her and the interviewers said it was ok for her to come.

We were going on stage as all the fans were waving hi and recording and screaming but not to loud because of y/n, I shook the interviewers hand and y/n got a little shy so she gave a small wave
As the interview went on some fans got to ask some questions
One fan asked " this is a question for y/n actually " she said smiling so I picked y/n up from her leaning onto me

I told her " can you say hi to her and answer her question " I said pointing to the girl as y/n nodded

" hi y/n " she said waving as y/n smiled waving back

" ok so one question what's your favorite song " she said making
y/n smile and jump up from her seat

" my favorite song is my daddy's song HeartBreak Weather because he was being silly and crazy " y/n said laughing and twirling around making me and everybody laugh

Some fans asked a few more questions until the last question was for y/n

" alright y/n last question is for you and that is what do you want to be when you grow up " the interviewer said

" that's an easy one " y/n said sitting next to me on her knees on the couch

" I want to be like my daddy I want to sing and play guitar and make people happy " she said hugging me and kissed my cheek making everybody awe

I kissed her cheek and said " I will definitely teach you to play guitar and you already make me happy princess " as everybody awed again

We were wrapping up the interview and as we finished y/n was falling asleep so I picked her up rocking her side to side talking to everybody backstage

Soon it was time to go and as I strapped y/n in the car she grabbed my hand

" I love you daddy " she said smiling sleepily

" I love you to baby " I said kissing her forehead

" promise we will be together forever daddy " she said almost falling back to sleep

" promise " I said rubbing her cheek with my thumb as she fell back to sleep

We drove all the way home and I took her to my room where we both fell asleep

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