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||age: 2||
||Tyler(16) your brother||
||y/n- your name||
||y/n/n- your nickname||
||summary- your brother is babysitting you and he yells at you, so when Niall comes home from work he gets back at your brother||

Tyler Pov:

" GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU ANNOYING BRAT MY GOD " I yelled at y/n she wouldn't stop bothering me I can't take it

" NO YELLING TYWER " she yelled back angrily as I closed the door in her face

" MEANIE I TELL DADA " she yelled as I heard her stomping away

she comes in my room whenever she wants and makes a mess and ruins everything, I just want to relax without having her on my tail so much

Y/n Pov

i went to my room and sat behind my bed with my teddy crying waiting for dada to get home so I can tell ty ty

I didn't realize when I fell asleep but I did...

Niall Pov

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHERE SHE IS " I yelled through the phone

" I shouted at her and now I feel bad because I haven't seen her for 2 hours I've been in my room and I haven't came out because right was playing video games please don't be mad dad I'm sorry " he said back panicking

" DONT BE MAD!!, I'm coming home when I get home I better see all you electronics in my room and I'm not joking " I said hanging up telling boss I had to leave

When I got home I went straight to my room to see his stuff on my bed and I put my work stuff down

" dad I promise all the doors were closed and locked I don't know where she could have went " he said as I literally tugged at my hair

" WHY WERENT YOU PAYING ATTENTION WHAT WERE YOU DOING WHAT WERE YOU THINKING " I yelled as he whimpered " please dad stop yelling I'm sorry " he said stepping back as I sat on the couch trying to relax

" I'm sorry bud, I just " I got cut off by sniffles and went I looked up I saw y/n sitting on the steps I let out a sigh of relief and I ran to her picking her up

" oh god y/n/n where have you been " I said as she wiped her tears

" why are you crying " I asked as she pointed to Tyler

" he's a meanie butt, he yell at me but dada now you yell at him, no yelling " she said as Tyler walked up to us and taking y/n from me

" I'm sorry princess I didn't mean to yell at you, I guess I am a meanie butt " he said as she giggled and kissed his cheek

" your a nice butt now ty ty " she said as we all laughed

" no mwore yelling dada and ty " she said as we both nodded " no more yelling " me and Tyler said as she nodded

" hey can you come show me where you were hiding you really scared dada and ty " I said as Tyler put her down and showed us how she was hiding behind her bed

" hey how about you no more hiding and we will stop yelling " Tyler said as I agreed with him

" otay no more hiding " she said giggling as we all went downstairs to watch a movie


guys please go check out holly's book and read it and don't forget to vote she will be having some really amazing stories ❤️ so please go read them, and thanks for 29K reads 🥰🥰

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