200- Thanksgiving Dinner

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We all sat at the table and held hands going around what we were grateful for, " what are you grateful for y/n " i ask as she thinks for a bit, " um, daddy! and theo, and emma and EVERYBODY " she says with a cute giggle as everybody awes.

" well!! my lovely family. Im grateful for all of you as well, and music! but im most thankful for this little girl who made me a father, my beautiful and talented adorable and funny little girl, I love you so much. " i say as she crawls into my lap to hug me,

Greg goes next but i hear a tiny snuggle seeing y/n crying.

i wipe her tears as everybody looks at us, " niall you made her cry " my mother says as i chuckle softly, " im sorry!! " i say as she giggles, " i love you daddy " she says as everybody coo's at y/n

I wipe her tears and soon start serving her some food, of course she wanted me and theo next to her, so they both played around quietly while eating, and all the adults were talking and having a drink or two.

after dinner was desert, some delicious pie, and cake and ice cream.

" daddy i want ice cream " y/n says as i shake my head, " hey you have two cavities you can't have a lot of sweets " i say as she pouts.

" gramma can i have ice cream " she asks as my mom says yes and gives her some ice cream

" spoiled " i say as she grins.

she sticks her tongue out at me and climbs on my lap while she does her happy dance eating her ice cream

I take a piece of pie and we all enjoy while talking about anything.

the kids got up and ran to the living room to continue playing other some alike and play doh,
Theo made his little action figures some cool little weapons with clay.

we started watching some movies and enjoying the rest of the day with each other, but theo had an upset stomach and y/n wasn't happy

" daddy fix him!! " y/n says with a mad glare, " how do I fix him " i ask as she shrugs and whines

" I think a little hug would help" i say as she hugs him carefully
" better " she asks as he smiles and nods making her smile and continue playing.

Theo sat by Greg while getting some belly rubs, " see, i told you not to eat so fast little man " he says as theo groans quietly in pain,

" gramma, we need da medicine " y/n says as theos eyes widen
" yuck " he says making y/n giggle.

she quickly jumps on my lap watching theo drink some medicine he cringes at the taste, and i hear a little yawn,

" i think somebody's sleepy!  " i say poking y/n's sides as she whines " not me! Stop it daddy " she whines making me chuckle,

she lays her head on my chest laying stomach to stomach as i softly pat her bottom,

" wanna bottle? " i say as she shakes her head, " im not a baby daddy shush " she whispers as i sigh. " so your not my baby? " i say sadly as she looks up at me

she quickly pecks my lips and sighs, " daddy baby..." she says quietly as i smile

she always wanted to look like a big girl when people were around but if it was just us she wouldn't mind being babied.

it hurt my heart knowing this wouldn't last forever eventually she would grow up and not want cuddles anymore.

i slowly start sway my legs as she puts her thumb in her mouth,
" hey no yucky fingers " Charles says as she whines and turns the other way, " meanie " she says with a grumpy tone

" daddy hit him! " she says as everybody laughs.

she turns away from him now giving him the silent treatment only to see Shane.

" Shane night night daddy " she mumbles as we look over to see Shane dead asleep, " he can never stay up after he eats " Emma says shaking her head.

we spent the next 3 hours together until y/n was fully asleep and everybody was taking home left overs and leaving, after everybody left including my parents and all the cleaning was done,

I took y/n upstairs changed her into pajamas and laid her down,
" no no daddy please " she says as i sigh " sleep wif you!! " she says as i let her i was to tired to deal with her whining and crying.

i laid her down but she started kicking and whining " daddy stayyyy " she said in a crying voice

I sighed and laid with her until she fully fell asleep

I took a quick shower and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was ready to fall asleep,

but before that i posted some pictures of me and y/n and the family with some food pictures and posted it on Instagram with caption


and just for you guys i will be making a second book!!
I have came up with a few ideas while i was gone, but im doing nothing but finals at school.

once i finish my finals I'll be back to writing like how I used to <3

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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