#132- come back -BSM

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||age: 5||
||Niall is 17||
||y/n- your name||
||summary: your parents are fighting and while Niall is out shopping for gifts you call him crying||

Y/n Pov:





mommy and daddy kept going back and forth at each other, i didn't like when they fought and when they did i always think they forget im here listening to them

i sat in my closet in the corner crying holding my tablet, i was scared they would hurt each other but i knew they loved each other to much to hurt each other

I cried and cried wishing Niall would come back from where ever he was until I remember Niall showed me how to call him if I ever needed him on my tablet

So I quickly got out the closet locked the door and went right back in holding my stuffy Niall brought me last week after he got back from tour

I quickly went called him waiting for him to answer

Niall Pov:

I just finished shopping for y/n's birthday gifts and i decided to treat myself for some ice cream. I saw y/n calling so i got into the car then realized I missed the call

I was starting the call until she called again so i answered
" ni " she whispered in a shaky voice, " y/n " i responded as I finally saw her face and she was crying " what's wrong princess are you hurt where are you " i asked as she let out another sad sob and i heard loud mumbling in the back

" mommy and daddy are fighting again, please come back, im scared " she said as i cursed under my breath " I'll be right there don't hang up speak to me " i said as she sighed and sniffled

" try to ignore them princess it's alright I'm almost there " i said pressing on the gas trying to get there as fast as i can

i was about 3 minutes away until i heard her gasp and cry more
" what's wrong princess " i asked getting more scared "I heard glass" she said as tried calming her down " please ni " she whispered crying as i quickly got in the drive " im here where are you " i said as she sniffled " my room the door is locked " she said as i got out my car running for the door " unlock it I'm coming " i said as she said okay and got up

" MOM DAD " i shouted trying to move them away from each other

" you guys realize y/n called me upstairs crying saying you guys were yelling, do you guys always forget she's here listening to you guys " i said sternly at them as they just sighed and looked at each other then at me

I rolled my eyes running upstairs yelling for y/n.

" NI " she yelled back coming out her room as i sighed in relief picking her up and bringing her into my room " im so sorry y/n " i said holding her in my arms rocking her slowly as she had a firm grip on my shirt " your fine now, nothing to worry about " i said as she wiped her eyes and nodded

we then heard a soft knock. It was our parents walking in but y/n hid her face in my shirt " baby were so sorry we scared you, we were being dumb and not thinking, please forgive us " our mom said as y/n looked up at her and just stared

" you guys always forget im here, and i get scared " she said sniffling as i held her closet kissing her forehead as our parents just kneeled down to her

" we're so sorry y/n " our dad said as y/n sat up and nodded
" no more fighting " she said wiping her eyes as they both nodded engulfing her in a big hug as i smiled

" no more fighting " our parents said in sync as i smiled joining in the hug

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMWhere stories live. Discover now