#166- protective Niall - BSM

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~| age: 3 |~
~| y/n: your name |~
~| summary: the paparazzi scare you and one of them grabs you and Niall is upset |~

Niall POV:

i was walking through the airport with y/n, and out of no where the paparazzi come out of no where, the guards stop them from getting closer until i hear y/n shriek,

I look down and notice her reaching out for something, her teddy bear one of the camera men had taken it probably to get her attention for a picture,

I tried going back for it but the guards said somebody would get it and to just keep moving

" it's alright princess, we will get it back, " i said holding her tight and keeping her hood up

" teddy ni ni " she cried in my shoulder as i rub her back feeling bad, then fans started yelling and screaming making y/n scared and grip onto my jacket,

we finally got on the private plane heading back home and y/n was still crying, " are you hurt, what's the matter baby " i said cuddling her close as she rubbed her eyes

" teddy, to loud " she whimpered crying, i carried her to the back to get some snacks maybe that's what calms her down, because that's what calms me down

i grabbed gummies, juice boxes and chips, " alright wipe these silly tears, let's eat " i say as she giggles, " here ya go miss princess " one of the guards saying passing her back the teddy bear one of the paps took

she gasped and smiled taking it back " what do we say " i said as she smiled " thank you very much " she says making us all smile

we were eating snacks having fun and y/n kept trying to shove gummies in my mouth repeating " food " " ni love food! eat " " eat ni ni "

she was adorable, and i was still upset about the whole paps thing but I didn't want to be in a bad mood around her.

we were almost home when she started getting sleepy, " somebody missed nap time huh " i said as she whined sucking her thumb and crawling on me,

I held her and rocked her to sleep, " ni ni's never gonna let anybody hurt you " i say as she hums cuddling into me " lub you " she sighs finally falling asleep, i feel her body go limp and i smile

im happy she could always feel safe with me,



tomorrow I'll give you a long good BSM OR DDM story that you guys deserve 😭❤️

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz