#16- Wheres Mommy -DDM

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||y/n- your name||
||y/n/n- your nickname||
||Ava- your mom||
||summary: you wonder about what happened to your mom and why everybody else has a mom but you ||

Niall Pov:

" alright y/n/n time for bed are you sleeping with me or can you be a big girl " I asked my daughter picking her up

" i be a big girl daddy " she said yawning then smiling

I carried her to her room tucking her in and asking her what she wanted to do tomorrow. Of course she wanted ice cream and to go to the toy shop, but anything to keep her happy

I was gonna leave until she told me to wait

" what's up " I ask sitting back down

" daddy today in school my friend said she was going to have a mommy daughter day with her mommy and everybody was talking about their mommy's " she said looking up at me holding her teddy in her arms

" oh " was all I could say because I felt so bad

" where is my mommy? " she asked. I gave her a small smile

" well baby your mommy is up in the sky she's home " I told her holding her hand

" is she by herself daddy " she asked frowning

" no the pretty little angels are taking care of her " I told her smiling

She then smiled " good I thought she was alone " she said

" daddy what's my mommy's name " she said giving me a confused face

" Ava " I told her

" pretty name daddy, was she pretty " she asked
" beautiful just like you " I told her kissing her little hand

" daddy why did she leave " she asked I was really hoping I didn't have to explain this until she was older

" well when you born mommy was struggling a bit to breathe and she just couldn't breathe anymore so the angels had to take her to her new home in the sky " I said trying to find an easy way out of the conversation

" oh okay but she's safe now right daddy " she said yawning

" yup she's home safe and sound alright now it's 5 minutes past bed time get some sleep baby " I said getting up and half way to her door she stopped me one more time

" your not going to leave me are you promise you'll never go " she said holding on to her teddy with sad eyes

" y/n/n I promise I'm not going anywhere your stuck with me forever " I said making her giggle

" I love you daddy goodnight "she said making me smile
" I love you to princess " I said blowing her a kiss as she did the same

I walked back to my room changing into sweatpants without a shirt and I go into bed thinking about Ava bringing a few tears to my eyes

I then saw a little head peaking through the doorway

" hi daddy why are you crying "
she said getting onto my bed with a bit of a struggle

" im just thinking about your mommy, I really miss her " I say picking y/n up onto my lap

" it's okay daddy I'm sure she misses you to but don't worry I'm here and you have me " she says wiping my tears with her little fingers and pecks my lips

" i sleep with you and then you feel better daddy " she said getting under the covers

" cuddle ? " she asked holding out her arms
                  " of course "
I got under the covers with her and cuddled her kissing the top of her head

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ