#192- Dr.Brother! - BSM

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~| age:  |~
~|y/n: your name|~
~| summary: you go to the doctor and Niall takes you in, mainly because you were always his patient, since you were born |~

requested by anonymous!

sorry for the late update! it's literally 12:42pm and i just woke up!! SORRY hope u enjoy! ❤️❤️

Niall POV:

I just finished up with my last patient and the next one on the list just so happened to be my little sister, i go out to the waiting room and see her smiling and running to me,

" hi nini " she smiles as i pick her up, " missed you " she says kissing my cheek as a few people awe, " I saw you this morning silly " i say as she giggles and i take her and my mom into the back room.

i check her height and weight, and pretty much know everything about her so i filly out the allergies stuff and everything,

I lay her down on the table, lifting her shirt just above her stomach and below her chest, pressing into her stomach and legs, to make sure nothing was hurting her and to find out if the size of her internal organs were normal,
(i googled it!)

" well that sure was quick " my mom chuckles as i shake my head, " time for the hard part " i say as my mom sighs.

" alright you stay here and ill be back " i say as she smiles and nods, i grab her 3 favorite lollipops and 2 stickers along with a ring and shove them in my pocket, she will want these later

i bring in the shots hearing her whine, " im sorry princess, " i sigh as she shakes her head backing away from me, " listen I've got treats if you take these two shots" i say as she shakes her head.

" how about the treats, and then cuddles in my room when i get home" i say as she shrugs and sniffles.

" it will be over in no time, promise, you won't feel a thing" i say as she shakes her head.

" ill take you out on a brother sister day date, i don't work tomorrow so the day could be just for us " i say as she whines rubbing her eyes, " fine " she pouts, but doesn't move any closer.

I move towards her and grab her right arm, i rub the alcohol pad on it and insert the first shot as she gasp and scrunches up her face ready to cry,

i insert the second shot and she let out a mute sob, she sat there crying as i put a bandage on,

she took a hiccuped breath and let it all out crying into my chest, "i felt it! it hurt meanie" she says as me and my laugh quietly,

" I'm so sorry " i say pecking her lips quickly as she cried holding her arm,

" how about treats " i say pull out her three favorite lollipops, hearing a little gasp, i pull out two stickers seeing s little smile, and a purple ring.

"what do you say to your brother" my mom says as y/n sniffles holding her arms out for me,

I carried her bouncing her lightly for a while until it was time to go, i carried her out and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before waving bye. she pouted waving she hated not being around me 24/7.

but once i got home, we ate dinner and we went straight to my room to cuddle and watch tv shows she wanted to watch.

she had taken off the bandaid, i wonder how that went, y/n was always just a little dramatic,

but i loved her.

we sat watching movies and cuddling until she started falling asleep, and without a doubt I'd be falling asleep just as fast.

I turned off the the lights leaving the tv on as a little night light for y/n and heard her whisper

" goodnight ni lub'ou " she said sticking her thumb in her mouth, i kiss her forehead and slowly fall asleep myself

" goodnight sweetheart, love you so much more! "

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora