#148- valentines -BSM

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~| age: 5 |~
~| y/n- your name |~
~| summary: it's Valentine's Day and Niall takes you on a cute brother sister date! |~

Niall Pov:

Today my parents were going out all day leaving me and y/n alone so I decided to take her out, it was 10:30 and we were sitting on the couch after just finishing some breakfast

" i wish i had a Valentine's " y/n said as I raised an eyebrow, she wasn't having any boyfriend, she didn't need a valentine she had me!

I told her to stay on the couch and I'd be back, I ran up to my parents room where i told them to hold my flowers that I had for y/n

I grabbed the 5 red roses and came back down with them behind my back,
"miss Y/n Horan"

" yes mister Niall Horan " she giggled as she tried to peak what was behind my back, I got down on both knees as she giggled

" Y/n Horan, will you be the bestest sister and be my valentine" I said as she giggled when the gave her the roses

" yes, I will your the best brother ever " she smiled as I picked her up and kissed her cheek

" there's 5 roses, hey! I'm 5 " she said smelling them as I nodded
" what are we gonna do today " she asked as i carried her upstairs

" we! my valentine are going on our own brother sister date " i told her as she smiled and hugged me
" can we go paint my nails " she smiled as I nodded " well if that's what you want to do " i said as she nodded " let's gooo " she giggled as I sat her on her bed picking out her clothes

" we! my valentine are going on our own brother sister date " i told her as she smiled and hugged me " can we go paint my nails " she smiled as I nodded " well if that's what you want to do " i said as she nodded " let's gooo " she giggled as I sa...

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after I helped her get dressed she begged me to let her pick out my clothes, so of course I said she could " you look so pretty can i take a quick picture of you " I asked as she smiled and let me take a few pictures of her

then we went to my room where she actually picked a good outfit,

" okay so after nails what do you want to do princess " i asked as she sat and thought " how about we go to the candy shop " she grinned as i nodded

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" okay so after nails what do you want to do princess " i asked as she sat and thought " how about we go to the candy shop " she grinned as i nodded

" candy for days " i said as she smiled " YES! LETS GO " she shouted

— time skip

we got to the nail salon and she wouldn't let me pick her color because in her words I quote
" you don't have god taste! "

so she chose to do red and black, in a pattern,

" are you guys siblings " the lady painting her nails asked as i nodded and smiled, " aw such a good brother taking her out " she said as y/n giggled " he's the best, and he's my valentine, I love him very much " she said as I smiled kissing her cheek making her giggle " adorable " she said switching to paint y/n's other nail

— time skip

after that I took her to the candy store where she picked a whole bunch of candy, filling the cart
but to be honest, some of that candy was mine, I was planning an a movie night with her to top off the night,

" okay that's enough, if we eat all this we will have tummy aches " she said as I nodded smiling.

We paid for the candy taking a bag full each and heading to the car, it was now 12:45 and we were eating lunch at nandos

" how's your food " i asked as she stuffed her face " amazing " she said as I shook my head taking a video for Instagram

after we ate we went shopping at the mall, I took her to build a bear and the toy store and bought her a new pair of vans so we could match, she loved matching with me, but I think I loved it a little more then her

I was buckling her in her car seat when she randomly kissed my cheek, " thank you, for being the best brother valentine " she said as I kissed her little nose

" thank you for being my sister valentine, and the cutest baby sister ever " I said as she smiled giving me one more hug before closing the door!


and at the end of the day we had our amazing movie night which ended with her falling asleep cuddled into my chest and her having a grip on my shirt making sure I didn't leave her, but I wasn't planning on it,

I'd hold her and keep her safe if it meant she felt safe and happy with me!

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя