Little Numb

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Little Numb


"Emma!" I heard a voice call. I turned around facing the other way and going back to sleep. Another rock hits the window this time loud enough to wake up my dad.

"Who is there?" I asked.

"Open the f*cking window!" Jackon called.

"What do you want?" I asked still not opening the window.

"Open the window and we will talk. I think the ground is spinning."

"You are drunk. Go back to your house." I instructed.

"My parents are going to kill me," he groaned.

I walked to the window thinking about what I have heard. Is he here becuase he opened the present and wanted to tell me what he thinks of it? Did he have a chat with Maya?

"What do you want?" I asked again angrily.

"Your asshole neighbor will catch me. Open the window Emma." He warned.

"Save yourself and go back to your house." I replied going back to bed.

Not a moment after my head resets on the pillowcase another rock hits the window. It is a miracle that the window is not broken. But it will be broken if I don't open the window anytime soon. Sighing in frustration I went to the window and opened it. The cold air blew in, fall was slowly fading winter chasing it to the end.

He got in after several trails.

"I need your help." He slurred. Even though he looked drunk, his words failed to sound as much drunk.

"Ask you friends. Oh, that is the whole school. Maybe you should have Maya help as well." I snapped, going back to bed. A moment later I felt the bed sink lower behind me. I jumped out of bed quickly before I could think of a reason why he was that close.

"What are you doing?" I asked bewildered.

"Well that was easier than I imagined it to be." He smiled getting off the bed.

"I am not going to clean your mess." I said.

"My parents will be here in an hour. I lost record of time and the point is that I am going to die."

"Okay." I replied with a shrug.

He stared at me lost for a flick of a second. "Can't you do me a favor? Neighbors?" He asks waiting for my answer.

"How much did you have?" I asked.

"Couple." He replied. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Okay, fine I will tell you the truth. I lost count." He replied. The truth I asked myself. The truth would be much uglier than his apparent drinking and smoking problem. The truth would leave me emptier than ever before. When the day comes for the truth to be reveled from his very lips I know everything will change. I could already feel change approach its way between us.

Why should I help? I was a game to him. Maybe I should play along. Take the pain until my body turns numb. Maybe then I wouldn't mind if I hurt him back. There wouldn't be a voice in my head that would root for him and that would condemn my every sickening move.

"I am only doing this because I don't want your mom to be crushed cleaning someone else's sh*t." I said making my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Your house where else would I go at the time of the day." I snapped.

"We might wake up your parents." He said.

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