The rest of the day is spent with me and the mysterious guy texting back and forth while getting teased by my friends.

Schools are opening today and I was up early. No! It's not by choice, my mom had an early shift at work so I had to wake up my younger brothers and help then get ready.

We left 30 minutes before school which is a first for me. I'm always late.

I get to school and guess who I see at the usual spot where the squad and I always chill? If you guessed Faith then you guessed right. I hesitate to go to her as things were a lil bit tricky between us. As I decide to walk towards her someone taps me

"You are here early!" A voice says behind me, I turn around and find Bridget looking all smiles and rainbows.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask her it's too early for that.
"Coz I missed you and I want a hug" she says as he hugs me. After she stops suffocating me. She asks, "Heading to the spot?"
"Yeah! I think I saw Faith waiting fo--" I stop midway as I see that Faith left.
"Oh! Never mind, I must have mistaken her with someone else" I say still looking at the spot she was a few seconds ago.

Bridget and I catch up as we wait for the rest of the squad to come. She actually went to Cape Town to visit her granny this summer vacation but I had no idea. I really need to catch up with my friends more. I'm so closed off even when it comes to my friends. This wasn't a good trait. I look at her as she talks animatedly and I just admire her. She was a good friend this one.

The rest of the morning goes well and soon it was the period/class before lunch. I had Faith and Brian in this class and to say it was weird that would be an understatement.

Faith has sat with one of her friends and I was sitting with Milly who I knew from previous years. We were not friends but we knew each other.

The teacher was late so I heard a few minutes to text the mysterious guy.I had somehow made a promise to find his name out on my own to show him that I can be a detective when I want to.

That's why I was planning to talk to Brian after this class. I turn to look at him but surprisingly I find him looking at me. I don't take that to head as I think he might have been looking behind me where Faith was sitting but I do head to him seeing as he was sitting alone.

"Brian the Brain"
"Nicki" he smiles at me.
"You called me Nicki without hesitation this time" I point out to him
"We are talking more now, I'm getting used to it" he points out
"Touché. Brian the brain" I say to him with a lil laugh.
"While we talk about getting used to it, do remember the guy you were with the last time I saw you?" I ask.
"Who? Kevin?" He asks looking confused.

Kevin. That's his name, Kevin. I did say he looks like a Calvin, I was close. The name did suit him thou. Kevi-

"Nicole!" I snap out of my dreams and face Brian.
"Oh...sorry kinda zoned out" I say sheepishly.
"You do that a lot"
"What?" I say
"What? Uh...nothing. I meant to say that I noticed" he says looking at at the desk.
"Oh.. okay. Anyways I wanted to know how you knew KEVIN." I say, testing Kevin's name om my lips. It sounded sweet.

"You wanna know about Kevin? That's why you came?" He ask as if he's disappointed.
"What? No, I was just checking up on you since you were sitting alone." I say trying to defend myself. I didn't want it to look like I was using him.
"I always sit alone in this class,Nicole"
"Oh?? Really? Uh..."
"No it's okay, you want to know about Kevin,right?"
"Yeah" I say embarrassed.
"It's okay, you don't have to be shy. Everyone asks about Kevin." He says.

Everyone asks about Kevin? What did that mean? I wonder.

With that Brian tells me all he could about Kevin. Apparently Kevin is half British and half African. He grow up outside London and moved to South Africa to come be near his granny. Isn't he the sweetest? Brian met him at his father's business party and they werent friends they just happen to knew each other.

Now you might be wondering what were they doing playing soccer together,right?
Apparently Kevin's manager(yes, Kevin is employed and he's 21) sent him to fetch a file from Brian's father. Brian's father was preparing the file while Kevin and Brian hang out.

And he met me while he was at it.coincident much? This was definitely fate playing it's course.

The bell rang while Brian and I were still talking, we had somewhere somehow moved from Kevin and we were talking about how he threw up on this other guy back in 2nd grade. I haven't noticed that the teacher didn't come to class and the fact the Brian and were walkiimh to the tuck shop together.

Brian was such a sweetheart and I didn't even know. He knew the weirdest facts and he loved Reggae music. After buying our lunch we said our goodbyes and all.

I walk to the Spot where I find the squad already sitting.

"What's up with that creepy smile?" Becca asks.
"It's nothing!" I answer too quickly.
"It's nothing alright" Pinkies says.
"Must be the new mysterious guy" Becca shouts.
"New guy? You have a new guy in your life and you didn't tell me?" Bridget says looking like I just kicked her puppy.
Before I can answer, Faith takes her backpack and dashes off.

"What's her problem?" Pinkie asks.
We all look at each other and shrug our shoulders. Becca stands up and say she will check up on her while I'm left being interrogated by Bridget. I try to explain who the new guy is but my mind is on Faith.

What's really wrong with Faith?

I know I took forever to upload. Pls forgive me. School is hectic. There's test after test and submission after submission.

Tell me what y'all think by commenting down below.

Promise to update soon

Love y'all

Your Savage Bitch
Lettie 🌸💜

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