When he does something sweet for valentine's day

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You woke up from your bed when you were about to touch the floor, there were scented candles all over the room, you then followed the red roses, it then leads to pancakes, waffles, and french toast on the table with a little gift on it, you ate your breakfast, then you opened a gift, there was a little letter 'Dear (Y/n), if you dunno what today is, then your in for a surprise' you then swooned cause you knew it was Billy.

-Later when you're in school-

You were just in the middle of copying your notes, wbut when Poncy was thrown out of the window by Billy, he held an acoustic guitar, everyone screamed accept for you, Spencer, Rajeev, and Shanilla, "-AHEM- i'd like to dedicate this song for (y/n)" he strum the guitars, he sang I'm Not The Only One by Sam smith in acoustic version, you blushed and clap for him.

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