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Wooyoung stood outside the building, watching the neon lights flicker while he contemplated going in. He didn't feel ready.

He took a step forward before a familiar man, a regular, stopped him. "Ray baby, you're finally here, I need you~"

Wooyoung's breath hitched when the man grabbed his arm and he got goosebumps, in a bad way.

Pulling his arm away startled the man and made him frown.
"S-Sorry...not tonight, I'm not feeling well..."

"What the fuck are you doing here then huh?! Who do you think you are? You're just a slut!" The man snapped at Wooyoung and walked into the club.

But Wooyoung was so shocked, he can't even say 'no' anymore?

The words hurt him so much, adding to the pain he already carried with him from a few nights ago.

'Slut...that's what I am...that's what I chose to be...I can't be free again..'

The world started spinning around him, the loud noises slowly became muffled and he felt like he was drowning.

Slowly sinking

Deeper and deeper

Then darkness.


After being called a stalker, San stopped going to the club altogether. He missed Ray like crazy, but what's the point? Ray was never going to look at him the same way he looks at him. He will always be the stalker to Ray.

He picked up the habit of taking late night walks instead, and it kept him going for a while, but on that one night, he was lost in his thoughts again while walking.


And before he knew it, he was standing in front of that same club. "How..."

San thought he was going crazy, his legs taking him places he doesn't want to go.

So he was going to turn and walk back, but his mind went blank when he saw Ray standing there, looking so...lost.

He slowly stepped closer towards his love but gasped when the boy suddenly fell back into his arms unconscious. "Ray? Ray!...fuck"

San looked around him and saw no one paying attention to help, and taking him to the hospital could be dangerous for both of them and would take too long.

He looked up and saw a hotel right next to the club, perfect.

It may have been a stupid idea, but to San, it was ideal at that urgent moment.

San carried Ray bridal style -'Oh my god he smells so good.'- and hurried into the hotel, and to his surprise, the receptionist asked no questions about the unconscious boy in his arms. Either they thought he was passed out drunk or they were so used to him coming here in other men's arms.

San threw his ID and wallet in front of the receptionist and begged him to give them a room as fast as possible. So he did, with no problems.

Carrying Ray to the second floor and struggling with the hotel room card then laying him down on the bed all went in a blur to San until he collapsed next to him on the bed to take his breath.

"Ray..." San sat up, gently shaking the unconscious boy while trying his best not to get carried away by his beauty. "Ray, please wake up..." he ran his fingers through Ray's hair, smiling to himself at how soft it was despite being bleached and dyed- 'focus San! The boy is unconscious!!'

San went to look in the bathroom and found what he needed, a small bottle of cologne. He took it, spilled some onto his hand and covered Ray's nose with it, not knowing if what he's doing is even good or right, but thankfully, it worked.

Wooyoung fluttered his eyes open, furrowing his eyebrows at the bright light and the strong smell hitting him.

That bright light
That dark beige ceiling
That uncomfortable pillow
That headache

It was all too familiar

That night...

Wooyoung had stayed in this hotel many times before, but that night when he was drugged was different, he woke up feeling different. And at this moment, that feeling came back.

San flinched as Ray suddenly sat up, eyes wide open and scared.

- "It was you?!" Ray accused.
- "Wh-what...?" San blinked, confused.
- "You! You drugged me and slept with me! You're the cute stalker!"
- "What?! Why would I do that?! You just passed out on me!" he called me cute...

Wooyoung sighed, the stalker was right, he remembers passing out in front of the club. "Can you tell me what happened?"

San nodded. "I...I was passing by and I saw you...you didn't look well then you passed out, so I brought you here to wake you..." he gulped, leaving out the details of how he ended up there and why he was so close to him.

Wooyoung nodded, the story was believable and he was fully dressed, so he didn't argue. "Thank you I guess...I'm sorry for yelling at you..."

"I-hu-ye-n-o-no problem..." San cleared his throat and forced himself to look away, he knew he was turning red.

Wooyoung tilted his head to the side then let out a small giggle. "Are you okay?"

If San was an ice cube, he would have been fully liquid after that giggle. It made his heart swell, and the fact that it was only with him this time made him want to scream. "F-F-Fine! I'm fine!"

Wooyoung nodded. "I should go home then..."
He slowly got up. "Thank you again...and don't worry, I'll pay for the room."

San shrugged. "I already did."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "You have money?"

San furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes?"

"Huh...it looked like you were after free service."

San frowned. "What? No! I-"

Wooyoung cut him off. "Please...I can't listen to any explanations right now...thank you again...bye."

San watched as Ray walked out of the room and left him there alone. He sat down on the bed and let everything sink in. He just saved Ray and talked to him and even proved that he's a good person, not a stalker.

He was so happy that he forgot to worry about what Ray was going through, he thought it was maybe the alcohol.

And now he has an even better excuse to go back to going to the club every night again.

Ray of Love | Woosan auWhere stories live. Discover now