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Tears, sobs and hiccups

Wooyoung ripped another shirt of Ray's,

He felt dirty again
He felt worthless again

This would happen to him every few nights after he goes home and lets his night activities sink in, he sold his body to strangers again.

He would break down and ruin items he used as Ray, then he would regret it the next evening when he's getting ready for another night, hating his weak half-drunk self that did this to his precious belongings.

On those nights, Wooyoung would spend hours in the bathroom scrubbing and washing  his skin over and over until it turns angry red and feels numb. But that still doesn't wash away the feeling of being dirty and used.

He would look at himself in the mirror after finishing and see those marks still covering his body...they never have enough time to fade away before they're replaced with new darker ones.

He hated hickeys with passion.

But he could never stop a customer from doing whatever they please with his body as long as they pay for it.

After an episode, Wooyoung would cry himself to sleep, knowing no one will ever love him and no one will ever comfort him.
Because he doesn't deserve it, he brought this upon himself and he chose this path.


Going to the popular night club every night after work has become a habit of San, he would go home, change, eat something then head to the club. Simply to watch Ray from a distance.

He never gathered enough courage to talk to him and even if he did, Ray was always busy with someone. Random make out sessions with different people right in front of his eyes became a usual thing.

He figured Ray was the type to drive you crazy before even starting his service.

But it never became okay with San, he still filled with jealousy every time he saw him with someone. It was unfair.

They get to sleep with him and they're not even that interested in him as a person, while he was genuinely in love with him but doesn't get to even speak to him.

His friends only came with him on weekends and tried to encourage him to make a move, but in reality, they knew it would lead to nothing. No prostitute can maintain a healthy relationship, but they supported their friend anyway.

"How much longer are you going to keep doing this?" Asked the youngest of the group of three.
"Until I can speak with him." San answered hurriedly, his knee bouncing as he watched Ray sit on someone's lap and flirt with them.

"Hyung this is stupid...you'll never be able to talk to him like this." Jongho sighed with frustration. "You need to do something about it, you're obsessed with him...all you do is talk about his beauty and you haven't even spoke to him once, I doubt he's even aware of your existence."

The words hurt.

But they were nothing but truth.
San knew Ray doesn't even recognize him, but he couldn't help freezing every time he tried to approach him. It was like Ray was too good for him, too good to even spare him a glance.

"If you don't act soon, I'll have to stop you from coming here." Jongho threatened and successfully grabbed San's full attention.

San buried his face into his hands and sighed.

"I need to talk to Hongjoong."

Ray of Love | Woosan auWhere stories live. Discover now