Start from the beginning

"We will be discussing Black slavery, the American South, the Jews in Nazi Germany and several examples of prejudice throughout history. Tonight your assignment is to read the first thirty pages of that book," their teacher continued as he passed out the assigned novel.

"Aw man, it's about some girl," Cory complained when he received his.

Juliet flipped the book over and her eyes widened at the title. The Diary of Anne Frank; she knew that name and the basis of the girl's story. She aimed a glare in her friend's direction. "Yes, because girls aren't worth learning about," she snapped irritably.

Shawn shot her a 'what's-your-problem' look, which she ignored.

"Mr. Matthews," Mr. Feeny called as the bell rang.

Cory motioned for them to go on. "I'll catch up later."

As they left class, Juliet fell in step with her best friend. "Shawnie?"


"I know you don't normally do assignments—"

"—I don't do them," he corrected. "Not normally."

"I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, I really think you should do this one."


She shrugged. "It's an important book. It's not just about some girl as Cory said. I mean, it sorta is, I guess, but it's about some really strong girl so I think you should read it."

"You know I can't concentrate on all those words."

She glanced at him. "What if I read it to you?"

Shawn frowned thoughtfully. "Can I get back to you on that?"


Juliet watched with wide eyes as Cory stood up at the front. "Good morning, class. For the rest of the week I'm going to be your Social Studies teacher."

What the?

"Mr. Feeny, what's going on?" Minkus wanted to know.

"Don't ask me," their ex-teacher said. "He's the man in charge."

The redhead exchanged a look with Shawn. "Backfire?"

He nodded. "Backfire."

"That's right, Minkus my boy," Cory said professionally. "Me, I'm your new teacher and my name is—" He turned and wrote in big letters on the chalk board. "Hey dude! That alright with you, George?"

"Mi clase es su clase."

"And you know the rule about no caps in class? History!" he cheered as he put his own on.

Everyone except Minkus and Juliet put on caps, but only for a moment. Shawn pulled a spare out of his bag and handed it to her with a smile. Juliet nodded in thanks and placed the blue cap over her red hair, scrunching her braids slightly so that it would fit.

Topanga raised her hand.

"Yeah, Topanga?"

"If we're going to eliminate the cap rule can we also disregard the dress code in its entirety?"

"Why? You're not thinkin' of showing up naked tomorrow, are you?"

"No, although I find nothing shameful about nudity," Topanga answered primly. "I was thinking about wearing garments from cultures more in tune with the goddesses. A sari, perhaps, or a pareo."

Juliet frowned as the class laughed at her. She admired the other girl's indifference about what other people thought of her.

"Yeah, fine, as long as you're covered up."

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