xxxvi. thirteen (3.07)

Start from the beginning

"No, because if you're in the lead, you're in control. You can keep things peaceful, prevent the killing. You can sabotage the soil samples, make him think that every village you find is not worth taking."

"Okay. I'll let him know in the morning."

Kane nods, and then asks, "Did you see Octavia?"

"Heard her mostly. Why?"

"She's still radio silent. We haven't heard from her all day, but I thought it was just because she was busy with the village. I thought she would have radioed by now."

"I'm sure she's fine."


Your mom drops her tools back into her bag, tugging your shirt down. "All healed. Try not to get anymore, will you?"

You smile at her. "I'll try."

You stand, glancing between your mother and Kane, just now realizing how close together their chairs are sitting. You tuck the information away for later, and nod towards the door. "Bellamy's waiting on me, so I should go."

"This will probably be our last meeting for a while, so stay safe."

"You too."

You glance between the pair one last time, before shaking your head and slipping out the door. On your way back to Bellamy you grab a blanket and a candle from your room, as well as Bellamy's copy of The Iliad, recently abandoned due to your busy schedules. You tuck the book into your waistband before running across camp and slipping through one of the loose panels in the fence, heading towards the clearing. Bellamy stands when he sees you approaching, and he pretends to tap an invisible watch on his wrist. "What took you so long?"

You lift your shirt, revealing your Mount Weather injury. "Ran into mom on the way, and she wouldn't let me leave until she took out my stitches. But look, all healed!"

He smiles, feeding off your energy, and helps you spread the blanket onto the ground and light the candle. He lays out the food, pushing all of the good stuff towards you, before giving you a look, brows raised. "What did Pike talk to you about?"

"Wow. Straight down to business." You pop a berry into your mouth, grateful he grabbed some, before matching his serious demeanor. "He offered me a team. A chance at leadership."

"Doing what?"

"Looking for more farmable land, since the Grounders ruined the soil in the village."

"Octavia and Kane ruined the soil in the village."

You give him a confused look. "The Grounders are the ones that set the trap, and fired the arrows."

"But Kane warned Octavia, and she warned the Grounders. That warning is the only reason they knew to set a trap."

You shake your head, not understanding how Bellamy was blaming the Grounders less than an hour ago, but is now blaming Kane. "I guess. But putting that blame on Kane would be like putting the blame of Monroe's death on him."

"It is."


"It's Kane's fault that Monroe is dead."

You see the muscle in his jaw clench, and for the second time tonight you start to enter dangerous territory, despite knowing that you shouldn't. "I understand that Kane warning Octavia and Octavia warning the Grounders put us in danger tonight, but that doesn't mean that Kane is responsible for Monroe's death. He couldn't have known the Grounders we're going to set a trap."

"Why are you defending him?"

The suspicion on his face worries you, and you know you've pushed too far. You shake your head, letting out a short, disbelieving laugh. "I'm not. I just mean that maybe Kane was doing what he thought was right. Same as us. Same as the Grounders. I've always believed in that, Bellamy, you know that."

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