30 | Losers

465 20 0


Word Count: 2411

A gentle breeze surged forward through the forest, howling a melancholy tune in the darkness as Levi made his way to where he had thought his squad would be waiting for him. Instead, his eyes were laid upon Gunther's hanging body. The brunet's eyes were wide with what looked like fear, staring off into space with his mouth slightly parted. The back of his neck was cut open like a titan's. Levi didn't slow down to take a look at him, instead he kept going, navigating himself towards the next body.

Eld was lying on the green grass on his back, covered in crimson liquid what Levi took as the male's own blood. The right side of his body was almost gone with only a bloody and gory mess of muscles and organs left behind. Oluo was a bit further away, on his stomach with all his limbs twisted in strange directions. His eyes were half-lidded, staring up at the branches above him.

Levi found Petra soon after. Finally slowing down, he hung by his wires between two trees, staring down at the female's arched body. She was at the feet of a tree, her body vertically rotated so that her front was facing the trunk. Her head was tilted up just enough so that she was facing the sun that shone through the gaps of the trees onto her deceased body. There was a line of dried blood on her face starting from her mouth and nose, going up to her blonde hair that was entirely stained with the crimson liquid. Her dull eyes were open, staring to the skies above the group.

Levi blinked softly, staring down at her before moving on from the spot.


The Female Titan ran as fast as she could, hot steam rising up from her torn up body. Mikasa and (Y/N) followed her close behind, the titan's own blood staining their uniforms. Their blades were worn out, explaining the numerous cuts and wounds all over The Female Titan's body. She was exhausted, they could tell that, but the duo wasn't done with her yet.

(Y/N) stared down at the titan below them, her eyes traveling around her shoulders and nape. The titan's right arm was a goner, hanging limp by her side, but her left hand was still intact and covering her nape. If the muscles around her left scapula and underarm were gotten rid of, the way to her nape would be clear. But since The Female Titan was a giant living and moving creature, it wouldn't be that simple and easy.

Mikasa noticed her wandering gaze, scowling at the titan below them as her brows creased. (Y/N) was brought back from her thoughts as the ravenette, without a warning, surged towards The Female Titan's feet. She flew like a hawk, making her way towards the titan's ankles, and with a swift cut she cut The Female Titan's Achilles tendon on her right foot. It was like she had read the other girl's thoughts.

The ground rumbled as the titan stumbled on her feet, her speed decreasing rapidly as she then tripped over and fell onto her knees. She embraced the ground with her somewhat healed left arm, her right hand still tightly gripping her nape. Mikasa quickly used the chance she had just been gifted with, and swung herself to The Female Titan's backside. Shooting her wires, the ravenette zoomed towards the titan's left shoulder, and with collective rapid cuts, she disabled the titan's right arm.

(Y/N) watched them form above, realizing that Mikasa had just cleared the way for her. Without a second of hesitation she shot her wires to The Female Titan's nape. Mikasa hopped over to the trees surrounding them, watching as (Y/N) brought her blades down on the titan's flesh. As the two made contact, her blades suddenly shattered.

𝐀 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐄 | eren yeagerWhere stories live. Discover now