19 | Still Can't See

941 47 20


Word Count: 3990

The Interior was in a state of confusion, just like five years ago. The Colossus Titan had destroyed the Southern gate of Trost District, and Trost District was temporarily occupied by titans, but a do-or-die operation to take back the territory had succeeded, and the gate was sealed.

"The titans still inside Trost District are now being hunted down..." a man muttered, sweat rolling down his forehead as he stared at the newspaper in his hand. His friend quickly came to his side, eyeing the object with confusion, "The Wall was "sealed?" How'd they manage that?!"

"Of course, it's all lies! This is royal propaganda!" another citizen next to them spoke up, "They're spreading those lies around to keep us commoners in the Interior in the dark! The bastards from outside the Wall are already rushing through Wall Sina!"

"Terrible news from the merchants!" they heard someone suddenly yell. Looking around, they saw a salesman waving a copy of the exact same newspaper in his hands.

"The Merchants' Association?" one of the men gasped, "Can we believe information that isn't certified by the monarchy?!"

"And why should I believe the monarchy's information is correct?!" his friend grumbled.

A man slowly walked up to the group, holding that same newspaper in his hands, his face devastated. "H-Hey... What the hell does this mean...?" he uttered, "It says a titan sealed up the gate with a boulder..."

The men quickly returned to reading the newspaper, scanning the letters with urgency. Finding the said sentence the man had just said, they all gasped.

"What does that mean...?" one of the men muttered, "Are they saying a titan was on our side...?"


Eren slowly opened his eyes, his gaze landing on his bare feet. Lifting his head from his knee that was propped up, he tried to lift his hand, but the movement was stopped by the shackles attached to his wrist. Following the line of chain attached to it, his gaze met the cold stone bricks, that were basically surrounding him from every angle known. His cell was a one big stone. Sighing, he turned his head to look at the bars in front of his bed.

"Excuse me," he spoke up, "I need to use the toilet."

One of the guards outside his cell groaned, "You just went!"

Eren gripped the cold sheets under him. "Some water, please," he quickly added.

The other guard glanced at him from behind the bars, his voice laced with disgust as he spoke, "Hey..." Eren was taken aback by the ugly frown on his face as the next words from his mouth started sounding more like a warning, "Remember your place, you monster."

The two guards quickly turned back to their positions, staying silent for the rest of the time. Eren gritted his teeth, his head dropping down as he returned back to staring at his lap.

'A monster, huh...?' he thought, 'Of course, he isn't wrong, but am I so terrifying that they had to shackle me like this?'

𝐀 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐄 | eren yeagerWhere stories live. Discover now