20 | Rules And Regulations

703 46 5


Word Count: 1638

The worn out wood creaked under her bare feet as (Y/N) walked down the corridor, a somewhat roughed up towel held in her hands. She used the tip of her finger to rub her eyes, blinking slowly as she tried to adjust to the sunlight coming through the windows. Over the past few years, she had learned the dorm's every single corner and turn like the palm of her hand. Graduating and finally leaving the training grounds made her feel a bit wistful.

It had been a while since she had washed the white tank top on her at the moment, which was noticeable by the musky smell. Sleeping in the same clothes every single night for the past three years with being able to wash them every few other weeks wasn't the greatest idea, she had noticed. But what else was there to wear? It's not like the military had spare money to use on cadets' garments under these circumstances.

Arriving at the shower rooms, she took the hair tie wrapped around her wrist, and put whatever hair she could grab at the moment into a ponytail. Groggily, she walked over to one of the sinks and placed the towel in her hands to one of the tables on the side.

Turning on the tap, her hands formed a cup to gather all the water she could. Without giving the temperature a single thought, after a few seconds she splashed it all onto her face. Looking at her hands as she waited for another full batch of water, she stayed silent.

Her eyes widened as she gasped, flashbacks from the day before finally coming back. The whole trial had been messing with her head the night before, taking all the space from any proper sleep. So many questions had been left unanswered.

'I wonder... What was Nile talking about?'

Not lifting her gaze at all from the sink, she threw another batch of water onto her face. Letting her hands drag along her skin, she scrunched her face to prevent any water getting in her eyes.

'Something about a case involving mine and Eren's families... That's what he said, right? Was Eren aware of this? He did seem a bit shocked...'

Finishing the face wash, she grabbed the towel from the side, turning off the tap and starting to wipe off all the water left on her face.

'What has Mama done? When did it happen? What even happened? What did she do? Why is she registered in the Military Police's reports? And how come I've never heard of it...?'

'And don't even get me started on that whole murder case Eren and Mikasa were a part of...'

A set of loud footsteps suddenly caught her attention, startling her at first. They were coming from outside the room she was in, coming down the corridor with speed. Were they running? Judging by their inconsistency, the person seemed to be a specific brunette.

Turning around as the door was almost ripped open with a bang, she lowered the towel from her face. Sasha stared back at her, panting as she stood in the open doorway.

"You just woke up?" the brunette asked, her voice somehow agitated. (Y/N) blinked slowly, nodding her head, "Yeah... Did something happen? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Uh, I just... I need you to quickly grab your stuff, change those clothes and follow me outside. The carriages are almost leaving. I already grabbed your vertical maneuvering gear on my way here," Sasha started rambling, waving the metallic equipment in her hand. "I'll explain it later, I promise. You just need to hurry!"

𝐀 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐄 | eren yeagerWhere stories live. Discover now