29 | Crushing Blow

495 25 6


Word Count: 2551

Eren screamed right next to The Female Titan's ear, ready to bring his fist down on the titan's face. When driven by anger, that punch would caused anyone a great amount of pain. But Eren didn't care how much pain he made her feel. It was good, in fact, if she got beaten to death in the most painful way possible. Whoever controlled the titan that was under him, writhing under his grasp, deserved to feel all the pain she caused him. Or that's what he thought.

Even though her other eye hadn't still regenerated, The Female Titan was smart enough to realize that if she didn't move in the next second or so, that fist was going to destroy her head. With a small jerk to the right, she swiftly dodged the punch coming her way so that Eren's fist landed on the ground beside her head. Grass and dirt flew everywhere along with Eren's own blood that spew from the freshly made cuts on his broken hand and fingers. The bones extending from his elbow to the wrist forcefully pushed through the skin of his elbow, leaving his entire forearm disabled.

As Eren slowly lifted whatever now remained of his left arm, he kept his eyes on The Female Titan. She stared back at him with a shocked face, her gaze flickering between his furious face and broken arm.

With his right hand, Eren struck with another not so thought out punch to her head, which she barely dodged. His wrist folded on the ground, making the back of his wrist hit the ground instead of his knuckles. As he quickly pulled his arm back, his hand got severed from the wrist. It flew across the air, a trail of blood following it before it landed somewhere in the forest surrounding the two.

He was now sitting on top of The Female Titan's abdomen, staring down at her oh, so helpless looking form. Her left eye was still regenerating, leaving her with only one eye to stare back up at him with.

'Back then... If I had fought with the others...

'No... Before that... If I had fought then... When Captain Levi was with us... I know I would've won. We might've been able to capture it...'

He slowly lifted his hands up to his face, watching how the steam rose up to the skies as his hands slowly started regenerating. Flesh, along with his skin was growing back out of thin air.

'I made... I made this choice. And everyone died because of it... Because of me... Everyone...'

Lowering both of his hands, Eren glared down at The Female Titan.

'But really it's your fault.'

He slowly lowered his back so that he was directly face to face with The Female Titan, and then let out a set of deep, animalistic roars and growls out of pure frustration and anger, each of them lasting several seconds. His lipless mouth opened, and since he had no cheeks, his jaws just kept going apart until his mouth was so wide it didn't look humane anymore. His jagged teeth were sharp, probably sharp enough to cut someone's flesh, and his long dark red tongue hung out of his mouth. The Female Titan turned her face away from his burning glare and the roars directed at her, grimacing from all the saliva that flew onto her face from Eren's mouth.

Somewhere inside the forest, Levi was flying towards the spot he had left his squad at. Surprised by the sudden roars coming from the direction he was heading to, his eyes slightly widened, 'That voice... Don't tell me...'

𝐀 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐄 | eren yeagerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz