November 6, 2023

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Dear Diary,

After quite a while living in constant celebration, life is back to what Tony coined as normal, which is mostly the abnormal.

I surprised everyone with Natasha and Tony and explained everything and how it worked perfectly and they accepted it with open arms. We all will be staying at Stark Tower, including all of the Starks, the space-beings belonging to The Guardians as well as Thor and Danvers, the Barton family as well as Peter Parker and his Aunt May.

We've all been away from one another for so long that we've forgotten what it's like to be together and inseparable as ever like we once were. Living together for an extended period again is the only way to get that feeling back.

After a few months like this, Thor is to part with The Guardians of The Galaxy and leave New Asgard under the rule of Valkyrie. Peter and May will head back to Queens, the Bartons to their countryside home as well as the Stark's to theirs. Natasha was asked to live with the Bartons, but she has yet to decide whether or not she will actually do so. Bucky and I are finally going back to our place in Brooklyn. Oh, and T'Challa said he is needed in Wakanda, and Carol Danvers is needed in the rest of the Universe, so they won't be joining us at all- but we were sure to wish them well before they left a month ago.

And so, the battle we fought a month ago surely was to get to this endgame. But now? Now that we're fully in it? I see that the endgame we're all longing for is only a few months away, when we finally get to live out on our own with no duties and nothing to do but live our simple, new lives.


Bucky and I made a habit of going on walks together every morning to get breakfast and to work out after. It was nice to be up here in Manhattan, where everything is always bustling. Hopefully, when we get back to Brooklyn, we'll continue this as a memory of our post-war tradition.

I was often tempted to hold his hand, and I could tell he saw it in the way I let my fingers brush against the back of his hand every once in a while. It was killer sometimes living in the shadows like this, unable to do what I really wanted.

"So, tell me more about her," he started.



"Well, I've already told you most of it," I replied.

"Sure, but it's barely been a month and you spent most of it on the 'returning all the stones' part of the story," he explained as we waited at a crosswalk. "You left off yesterday at ringing her doorbell."

"I knocked, I didn't ring the bell, Buck."

"Yea, yea, same thing," he chuckled. "What happened next."

"We got our dance, was really all an-"

"Ohh, so Steve Rogers finally got the girl after a hundred years," he smiled. "How romantic. What next? Did she take your virgini-"

"Buck!" I whisper-yelled as we made it across the street and continued on our way. "You know that was you, right?"

"I know, I just like reminding you," he looked over at me. "So, if she didn't de-virginize you, what happened during this dance that you're so-obviously trying to keep from me?"

I smiled to myself. "I'm not keeping it from you, it's just lost in history right now. Only we know."

"No, only you know," he corrected me. "The Peggy of this timeline doesn't know shit, remember?"

"Okay, fine. We just kinda kissed for a little until the record jumped and then that was it."

"Oh, so you're cheating on me now?" he joked.

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