I cry then and Olivers mom holds me while I let it all out.

Andrew and Emma come in next. Emma is a mess when she comes in. I see Andrew has on hospital scrubs and I realize he must of had Olivers blood on him when he got here.

"Andrew thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, even though I didn't do much."

"Yes you did."

Emma asks, "How are you doing? How long will they keep you?"

"I'll be better when I know how Ollie is. They just need to keep me over night because of the concussion. Not that I'm leaving without Oliver."

The two of them exchange a look but I ignore them.

Hunter and Millie come in next.

"Millie have you heard anything about John yet?"

"They were able to see him on a neighbors surveillance footage and they saw what car he's driving. They put out an APB on him and the car. They're also checking traffic cameras in the area hoping to track him."

Hunter comes to the side of my bed. "Millie and I are going back to the house after we know Ollie is okay to get thing's you'll need. We'll check in on Milo also. Andrew said he's at the neighbors."

"Yes he is. Poor boy was so upset. I had to put him outside because John threatened to shoot him. He heard me screaming and he was trying so hard to get to me."

"You and Oliver will be home in no time spoiling him rotten." Millie takes my uninjured hand. "Lily when Andrew called Hunter I was with him. I heard Andrew and he was so shaken up. I was terrified. Oliver will be okay. You two deserve your happily ever after more than anyone I know."

Kate and Noah are next. Kate is unusually quiet.

"Did you hear anything about Oliver?"

Noah answers. "The doctor is talking to his parents right now. They should be in to talk to you soon."

"Why do you both look so upset? What do you know?"

Kate squeezes my hand. "Nothing, I promise. The doctor will be in soon."

They leave and I wait what feels like hours for the doctor. In reality it was only about fifteen minutes.

"Miss Michaels I'm Oliver's doctor. Let me start by saying that Oliver is alive. He lost a lot of blood and we had to remove his spleen. Because of that he is at greater risk of serious infection. The next few days are critical."

"Is he awake? Can I see him?"

"He isn't awake yet. He's still in the ICU recovery room. When he's ready we'll have someone take you to see him."

After a few more minutes the doctor leaves and I close my eyes. Hopefully I can fall asleep to pass the time instead of just sitting here worrying about Ollie.

When I open my eyes I see my mom sitting beside my bed.

"Mom, can I go see Oliver now?"

"Hold on honey I'll go get someone."

She comes back in the room a minute later. "The doctor will be in in just a moment."

"Whats going on mom? Is Oliver okay?"

"Just wait for the doctor honey."

"No! Tell me whats going on!"

Andrew walks in the room. "Lily, calm down. The doctor was right behind me. He'll be in a second."

I'm about to yell some more when the doctor comes in.

"How's Oliver? Can I see him now?"

"Lily, Oliver still hasn't woken up. His vitals are good and as of now there's no sign of infection. But for whatever reason he still hasn't woken up. His body suffered a great trauma and we're hoping his body is just taking time to heal itself. We're waiting for a neurological consult to make sure something else isn't going on."

"Can I see him? Please."

"Yes, his parents are in with him now but I'm sure they will switch with you. Only two people are allowed in the ICU at a time. I'll have someone bring you a wheelchair and take you to him."

When the doctor leaves I turn to Andrew. "Will you go with me please?" I still dont want to be alone and something about Andrew comforts me. I'm guesing its because he was there right after the attack.

"Of course."

I ask both him and my mom, "Any news on John yet?"

Andrew speaks first. "They found him. He didn't give up easily. He was shot by the officers."

"Is he dead?"

"No Lily. He's here in the hospital. They're operating now."

I go pale. Just knowing he's in the same building as me makes me feel sick. My mom comes running to the side of my bed.

"Lily, are you okay?"

I place my hand on my stomach and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and try to calm myself. Eventually I open my eyes and look at my mom.

"I'll be fine." Just then a man comes in with a wheelchair.

Once I'm situated I tell my mom I'll see her later. She kisses my cheek and Andrew follows behind as the man pushes me down to the elevator.

We make it to Olivers room and his parents come out.

"Lily, prepare yourself. There are lots of tubes and wires. He's very pale." I just nod my head and then Andrew pushes me into Olivers room and up to the side of his bed.

I get out of the chair and sit on the side the bed. I place my hand on Ollies chest. "Ollie, it's me Lily. Open your eyes. Please, Ollie. I need you." Nothing happens and I lay my head on his chest and just cry. I don't know how long I'm like that but eventually I feel a hand on my back.

"Lily, come on you need to get back to bed. You can come back and see him in the morning." I don't move. The tears are still falling and I don't want to leave him. "Lily, please." Still nothing. I hear the door open and close and then a short time later it opens again.

"Lily." It's my dad. He picks me up and just holds me for a minute before putting me back in the wheelchair. Then he kneels down in front of me and wipes away my tears. "My sweet girl. Dont give up hope. You and Oliver are meant to be. I've always known it. Let's take you back to your room so you can get some rest. You'll need to be strong for when he wakes up. He's going to need you."

"If he wakes up will someone get me right away?"

"Of course."

"I need to say something to him before we go." Dad pushes me over to the bed and I stand so I can lean over and whisper into Ollies ear so my dad can't hear. When I'm done I kiss him on the forhead.

My dad takes me back to my room where I'm given something to help me drift off to sleep.

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now