I couldn't help myself...

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"Jesus, Lil." I can't even think straight, all the blood just left my head and quickly traveled down south to my dick.

I'm outside my friend Andrew's house. A few of us came here after the ball game for cards and more drinks. I couldn't get Lily off my mind, big shocker there, so I stepped outside to call her.

"Don't let me interrupt you. Please continue."

"OK, by-"

"Not so fast, Lil. I wanna listen. Put the phone on speaker and set it next to you." Why am I torturing myself like this? I can't get any relief for myself but I don't care. I want this connection with her.

She's silent for a minute. "Lily, please."

"Ok." I barely hear her, she says it so quietly. Then there's movement and I hear her start to moan quietly.

"Lily, tell me what you're doing. Tell me where you're touching yourself and how it feels."

"I have one hand on my breast, pulling on my nipple. I'm imagining that it's your mouth, like this afternoon. My other hand is sliding between my lips and inside me. I'm so wet."

"Lily, let me hear how wet you are." She moves the phone and I hear her. Fuck, I'm about to explode in my jeans. "If I was there, what would you want me to do to you, Lily?"

"I would want you between my thighs, tasting just how wet I am. Then I would want you to lean over the top of me and kiss me so I can taste myself on your lips while you slide your big hard cock into me."

Jesus Christ. I need to get out of here. Thank god I live next door. I grab my keys out of my pocket and head over to my house.

"Lily, take your finger out of your wet pussy and put it in your mouth. Taste yourself now. Can you do that for me?"


Once I'm in my house, I don't even go to my room. I undo my pants and sit right on the couch with my pants around my ankles. Hopefully, nobody comes looking for me because I think I forgot to lock the door. I take my excruciatingly hard cock into my hand. I start to move it up and down. God, that feels good.

"Lily, tell me what you taste like."

"Sweet. I taste sweet."

"I bet you do, honey. What are you doing now?"

"I've got one finger pushing deep inside me while my other hand is rubbing my clit." There's a pause and her breathing gets heavier. "Ollie, I'm close." I stroke myself faster. I want to come with her.

"Come for me, baby. I'm right here with you."

"Oh God, that feels so good. I wanna come. Oh shit!" I hear her breath catch and I know she's climaxed. As I said, I'm right there with her. I come all over my chest. God, I feel like I'm back in high school but I don't care. That was the best orgasm I've had in years.

"Ollie did you just-" well shit. I planned on being quiet but I guess that didn't happen.

"Yes, I did. Sorry, I swear I wanted it to be all about you honey but you sounded so fucking hot I couldn't help myself." I tell her what happened, where I was, and where I am currently. She laughs and I start to feel movement in my lap again. Lord help me, I can't get enough of this woman. I never could.

She breaks my train of thought. "I can't believe we just did that. I can't believe I just did that."

"I for one am extremely happy we just did that. Can you give me a minute?"


I mute the phone and run upstairs to my bathroom. I strip down and clean myself off. Then I head into my room and climb under the covers.

"I'm back. Still awake?"

"Yes. Ollie, what are we doing?"

"Talking on the phone."

"Don't be a smart ass."

"We're two people with history who recently reconnected and are getting to know each other again. Is that so bad?"

There's a pause. "No. That's not so bad. But we can't make a habit out of what happened earlier today and just now. Deal?"

I don't like that deal at all but I'm not pressing my luck so I agree. Besides, I know we both know we're full of shit.

We talk for a few more minutes and then say good night. I sleep soundly with visions of a beautiful brown-eyed girl in my head.

I wake up to a bunch of texts on my phone.

Dude, where'd you go?

Booty call?

You ok? You just disappeared.

Andrew and Noah seemed concerned while Hunter automatically assumed I was getting laid. He wasn't far off. But I'm not telling him that.

I send a short text to each of them telling them I'm fine I was just ready for bed. Being guys they don't make a big deal out of the fact that I didn't tell them I was leaving.

The day passes pretty quickly while I finish unpacking my things that arrived from Chicago. I brought some stuff in a small trailer attached to my truck but I paid a moving company to drive the rest down. I'll need to get some things now that I'm here in a big house instead of my small downtown apartment. It feels pretty empty in here.

I'm taking the week to get settled in before I officially go into the office of the Architectural firm that Noah works for. Noah and I met our third year of school in our Building Construction Course and bonded over our mutual dislike for our professor and our realization that we were both from Cincinnati. Andrew and Hunter were friends of his from back home. Once he introduced me to them we all got along so well that we ended up getting a house together off-campus for the remainder of our time at school. After graduation, I got a job at a firm in Chicago and they all came back home. We kept in touch, visited each other often, and even vacationed together. When Noah's architectural firm was looking for a new Architect he suggested me and it ended up being a good fit for everyone.

So here I am, back home. Which means I have Lily back in my life. I still have no idea what happened seven years ago. Everything was great. I honestly thought she was the girl I was going to marry. Then the last semester of our sophomore year everything changed. Lily became distant and her grades slipped and she left school. I tried to talk to her, to understand, but she just pushed me away.

I was worried about her for a long time and I continued to try and reach out. After months of being ignored I became angry and then I finally just had to move on. I've dated over the years but no woman has ever come close to Lily.

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now