Strictly Business...

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So I've been thinking of ways to spend more time with Lily that will put her at ease. And it hit me. I just moved into this big house and need more furniture and decorations to fill it up and make it feel like a home. I won't have a lot of time to get that done once I start at the office in a few days so I'll need help. Good thing I know an interior designer.

I decide that I need to make it official and professional so I call Lily's office, thank you Google, to set up an appointment. She's not in at the moment but the receptionist was able to squeeze me in later this afternoon. So I spend the morning taking pictures of the house and what I have in it now. That way she'll have some information to build on before she comes out and sees the house in person.

After lunch I take a quick shower, debate on if I should shave off my stubble but I decide to leave it. Lily always liked it. Then I dress in dark jeans and an olive green shirt, spray on a little cologne and head out the door.

Lily's office is downtown. Not far from where I'll be working. She and Emma work with a small group of other Interior Designers doing mostly residential designs. From the looks of their offices, they're doing very well for themselves. I go to the front desk and tell the receptionist that I have a two o'clock appointment with Miss Michaels. She picks up the phone.

"Miss Michaels, your two o'clock is here." She hangs up and tells me to have a seat and that Lily will be right with me.

As soon as I sit. I hear Lily's voice.

"Mrs. Johnson, I look forward to seeing you next week and bringing you some fabrics to look at. I have a few things in mind already that I think you'll love."

"Thank you, dear. I look forward to it." Lily shakes the older woman's hand and says goodbye. She turns, looks up, and stops. A look of surprise washes over her face but then she breaks into a huge smile.

"Ollie, what are you doing here?"

"I'm your two o'clock."

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea. It's been a crazy day and Lisa just told me that I had a new client scheduled for two. Come on back to my office."

I follow behind her and I enjoy the view. She looks gorgeous in her tan pencil skirt, white silk blouse, and tan high heels. Her hair's falling in loose curls down her back and her ass looks amazing swaying back and forth in that tight skirt.

We step into her office and she tells me to take a seat as she closes the door. She takes the seat next to me instead of the one behind her desk.

"What can I do for you Ollie?

"Well, I just bought a big house when I came back here, in Chicago I only had a small downtown apartment. Once I got all my stuff here and settled I realized how empty and uninviting the house looks. I need more stuff to fill it and I need it to feel more like home. I start at the office on Monday and I won't have a lot of time to get things done myself since I'll be working on getting settled into there. So, I thought who better than you to help me out."

She looks like she's going to refuse so I go on.

"Look Lil, you would be doing me a huge favor. I don't know any of the designers at my new firm and I know and trust you. You have amazing taste and you know me and what I like." She blushes a little at that. Oh yeah, she knows what I like in more ways than one.

"Okay, Ollie. But I'm pretty busy right now with two other big projects so it may take a while to get things done. Tell me about the house."

"That's fine. I'm in no rush. Here, I took some pictures so you could get an idea of what you're working with." I reach into my pocket for my phone and I move my chair closer to hers so I can swipe through the pictures and explain what it is she's looking at. Being this close to her I can smell her. I don't know if it's lotion, perfume, or shampoo but whatever it is it smells like vanilla mixed with something else that I can't quite place. It makes her smell good enough to eat. She pushed all her hair off to one side and now I can see the pulse in her neck. It looks like I'm affecting her just like she is me. The top few buttons on her blouse are undone and with her leaning over just a little to look at my phone I can see the top of her full breast and the white lace of her bra. She is so beautiful it hurts.

She asks me a question and I have to shake my head and ask her to repeat herself.

"Do you want to build off your existing color pallet throughout the entire house or do you want to change things up a little bit?"

"I'm fine with changing things up. This all worked well in my Chicago high rise but in reality, it doesn't go that great in my current home. I'm open to getting rid of or changing whatever you think is best."

"The house is beautiful and you have some good staple pieces that I can work off of. Can you email me those pictures and I'll get some ideas together before I come out to the house and see it in person."

She gets up and walks around to the other side of her desk. She picks up her phone and types for a second. Next thing I know my phone vibrates. I look and see that she has sent me her email address. Then she leans over and types on her computer for a moment and I'm suddenly struck by images of her bent over her desk with her skirt up around her waist and my cock sliding into her from behind. Fuck! Now I can't stand up any time soon without making a complete fool of myself. I hear her talking again and realize I've once again been caught not listening.

I shake my head, again. "Sorry, what was that?"

"Ollie, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking."

She hesitates and it seems like she knows exactly what I was thinking and like she's going to call me on it. But she doesn't.

"I asked if Friday morning around nine-thirty is ok for me to come out to the house. That will get me time to get a few ideas together for us to go over."

"Nine-thirty Friday is perfect."

"Okay, good. Just text me the address. Don't forget to email me the pictures you took. And I'll send you a little questionnaire to fill out about absolute dos and don'ts on what you like and don't like. Part of the questionnaire will be about the budget. " I open my phone and text her the address and quickly email the photos.

"Done." I smile.

She opens her phone and whistles. "That's a pretty swanky neighborhood, Mr. Scott. So I guess that means I have a pretty big budget to play with then? "

Oh, I'll give her something big to play with. God, what is wrong with me. Whenever I'm around her I turn into a horny teenager again.

"Yeah, you know me. Mr. Swanky. No, but seriously, Andrew has a house right across the street. When I told him I was thinking about taking the job offer at Noah's firm he told me that his neighbors were getting ready to move and if I was interested I could snatch it up before it even hit the market. Everything just seemed to fall in place."

"So it seems." She just looks at me from the other side of her desk and it takes a minute before either of us speaks. "Well Oliver, I have another appointment this afternoon across town so I need to get going." She comes around the desk and holds out her hand as I get to my feet. "I'll see you Friday then? "

I just look at her hand for a minute and then I take it. As I do I pull her towards me and bend down to kiss her on the cheek. Then I whisper in her ear.

"I look forward to it."

Only You (Second Chances Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now