"By the power of greyskull!"

I hiss, and to my delight even with the sword on my back I can transform. I seem to be moving faster as He-Man so I stay in his form, shuffling as swiftly as I can in the direction that Entrapta's plans said to go in.

"Kyle, can you hear me?"

The earpiece crackles. I click on the small device in my ear and clear my throat as quietly as possible.

"Yeah, I can hear you."

"How far along are you?"

"I've taken a right and a left."

"Okay, good. I'm coming to the hatch leading into the hall now."

I continue to crawl even faster when a clicking sound underneath me makes me stop frozen in my tracks. I peek out of the grill in front of me and spot a hint of blue skin.

"She's under where I am, heading for the cockpit. I might need She-Ra's help in there."

When she's gone I slide the grate forwards and climb out of the vent, falling to the floor with a slight thump. I pull the sword from its carrier on my back and hold it in front of me, enjoying how it doesn't weigh me down as He-Man.

"Kyle, I got the sword! I'm heading for the cockpit."

I click my earpiece and mutter a small 'ok'.

The closer I get to the cockpit, the more I focus on how scared I am.

Eventually I reach the door and have no choice but to push it open.

The second I barge into the room Astra turns and smiles at me, three of her crystal henchmen gathered by her sides and staring at me with more malice in their glowing eyes than she ever could. My stomach lurches at the sight of her but I try and look as resilient as possible.

"It's time for you to go, Astra."

I say, pointing the sword in her direction. She laughs, and honestly, nothing could have annoyed me more.

"Oh, Kyle is suddenly a He-Man master! I must concede."

She sings. Her voice echoes around the walls of the room and I cringe.

"I was expecting you sooner, but let me guess; Rogelio."

I flinch at the mention of his name and my grip on the sword tightens.

"Don't talk about him, it's not his fault. This is my fight."

"Prove it."

I run for her but almost straight away one of her guards grabs my wrist and pushes me back. I wriggle free and swing my sword at its abdomen, shards of glass flying out all over the floor from its false wound. Despite the injury, it keeps moving, so I plunge the sword into its glowing centre with a grunt.

She-Ra bursts through the doors the second it dies.

"Adora, you tackle a guard!"

I shout, and head for where I'm supposed to stick my sword, but another guard grabs me and slams me into the floor.

The faint sound of Adora fighting with her guard swims in and out of my earshot, accompanied by a deafening ring.

I can just about make out Astra's blurry figure in my vision beside the guard that's pinning me down.

"Don't you understand?"

She shouts over the noise. I try to get up but I'm distracted when a trail of blood runs down from my nose towards my lip.

Understanding - Repkyle Where stories live. Discover now