Riley McDonough Imagine

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"@RileyMcDonough RT for a follow! Following people until I reach 2,015. Get it? Because its 2015! Haha, I'm so funny."

Wonderful! Riley McDonough was doing a following spree! And of course, you were going to participate. I mean, who couldn't? Plus, it would be nice to finally be noticed by your favorite member of Before You Exit, wouldn't it?

You retweeted his tweet, crossing your fingers as you did so, hoping, praying, that Mr. Riley McDonough would give you a follow. It felt as if you were waiting forever, though. Oh, the struggled. You've tried to get a follow so many times before, and it never worked out. Never. So why now?

"Why bother." You groaned to youself, tossing your phone onto your bed, collapsing next to it. Eyes slowly growing tired, you were jolted awake when your phone buzzed loudly next to you, the sound slightly muffled because of the soft bed sheets.

Sitting up fairly quickly, you reached for your phone.

Oh my god.

"@RileyMcDonough has followed you!"


You blinked, rubbing your eyes. Was this real? Were you dreaming, or was this actually happening?

Calm down, (Y/N). You told yourself. It's just a follow on some dumb social media website. No biggy. You clenched your phone tightly, trying to fight back your smile.

Oh, it was a biggy. Riley Thomas McDonough just followed you. Now your tweets to him would have a higher chance of being seen! And you would be able to-

You would be able to DM him.

Realizing that you could DM Riley, you pulled up twitter, clicked his account, and typed out a DM.

Hey Riley! Thank you SO much for following me! I love you! :*

No problem! (:

"Oh my god." You murmured to yourself.

You replied? Holy! Thank you Riley! Thank you thank you thank you!

Haha, no worries. Don't thank me to much!

You bit your lip, eyes wide.

Aw, but I have to. You've done alot for me, you know?

Have I?

Oh, yes! You're music makes me so happy.

Glad to hear it! Without you guys, we wouldn't even be making music. What's your name, btw? (Y/N), right?

Yes! Yes! How did you know?

Your twitter... haha

Oh. Duh. Gosh, I'm embarrassing myself infront of my celebrity crush.

Aw, celebrity crush huh? ;)

Oh, jeez. I'm embarrassing myself even more, aren't I?

You held your breath. Riley McDonough was talking to you. And you both were actually having a real conversation.

A little bit. He joked. No, I'm kidding.

You're talking to me, you know? I'm freaking out right now.

You don't seem like you are.

Well, sure. But if you saw me in real life right now, you could totally tell something was up.

You smiled to yourself. Oh, this boy hardly knew who you were. But you were inlove with him.

Riley, this is going to sound really weird but I love you, ok?

Hey, I love you to. And it's not weird. I hear it all the time from beautiful fans like you.


Of course. Hey, (Y/N)? Laptops going to die soon. I'm on my way to the airport to head to the next show, all that jazz. But I like talking to you. What's your number? I'll text you.

At this point, your eyes were wide in shock. You checked who you were DMing, to make sure it was actually Riley. All of this seemed so unreal.

You nearly gave up, thinking Riley would never notice you. Now, he's asking for your number. Who would of thought?

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