I enjoyed the date...

Começar do início

"I told you they would look better!" I heard Keith say from behind. I turned around as I smiled at him. But Keith saw through it.

"Hazel... what is wrong?" He asked, concerned as he made me sit beside him on the bed. I shook my head.

"Arthur was here, wasn't he? Did he say something? I swear I would break his jaw if he said anything stupid-" He started threatening but I quietened him down.

"No! He did nothing. He... he seemed odd. He was sad, and it somehow broke a bit of my heart. I felt... I don't know. Just weird! I don't know why it is happening, but I don't really like it..." I sighed.

Keith held my hand lightly as he explained, "That is because you loved him Hazel! You saw yourself in a true form with him, so you still hold your feelings, which is not wrong. You might never stop loving him, but you are moving on. I am proud of you Hazel!"

I hugged him tightly. He was the best bro ever. 

After sometime Gina and Emma walked in and smiled satisfactorily. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate.

"BAE IS HERE!" The three exclaimed while I glared at them. 

I went down quickly. They all flashed me a thumbs up. I nodded as I took a deep breath and opened the door. Trace stood by his car. He smiled as he saw me. He looked good. But not as good as... him.

Oh shit! I will go mad like this!

"Hey, you look beautiful!" He said as he kissed my cheek. 

"You don't look too bad yourself!" I smiled. We got in his car as he drove away. I looked at Arthur's room for the last time before looking at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the pizza joint near the riverside. It is peaceful and beautiful!" Trace smiled at me. 

As we reached, he jogged by and opened the door for me. I grinned as I held his hand and got out.

As we walked in, I was already hungry with the tasty smell of cheese and oregano.

We sat in a corner booth. "So... what happens next?" I asked rubbing my hands. Trace laughed at this. 

"We... umm... we talk?" He said more like a question. I laughed. We both were behaving weird. 

We talked for some time. He told me he loves his game, but he even wants to major in history. We ate our pizzas in no time. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" Trace offered. I am not actually the walking type, I hated exercise, but I agreed.

We walked by the riverside, holding hands. "You liked it?" He asked nervously. I nodded as I kissed him on the cheek. He grinned. 

"Why did you join boxing, if you quit earlier, if you don't mind me asking?" Trace suddenly spoke. I felt a tight knot in my chest.

"Umm... I wanted to forget my past, so I brought something else from there to cope up with it!" I answered. 

"But why did you quit before?"

"I... I lost interest. I just didn't like the roughness anymore." I sighed. He hugged me from side by placing his hand over my shoulders and pulled me closer. I felt a tingling feeling. It reminded me when Arthur hugged me like that. His arms felt protective, warm and soothing. I shook my head. 

I am supposed to move on! 

We returned back home. He got out to leave me till the door. 

"I enjoyed the date." I smiled. 

"Me too!" He grinned. He bent down and kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed him back. It was a short kiss.

He waved me goodbye as he drove away. I changed into my comfy night dress. I looked out. Arthur was seated on his bed, playing his guitar and singing. 

I smiled as I draped the curtains. I lied down on the bed. I quickly texted on the text group of my guys about the date and shut it down. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

 It is said that the person whose face you see with eyes closed for the last time before sleeping, he means something special. That is why their face is what your brain shows, the most vivid memory it holds.

I saw Arthur.

Hey guys! 

How is the weather at your place?

Here it is raining, good thing I like rains :)

How was the date? I found it sweet. Hazel seems really confused. What can I say? Is it teenage... or love? What are your thoughts?

Well, let's see what happens in the next chapter!


Goodbye till then!

Love you strangers!


Love at first HeartbreakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora