Q and A

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Watch, TVD, or The Originals?
Both cause come in Kol is cute 😍.

Read on a Kindle or paperback book?
Paperback cause I don't own a kindle and I do read paper back and hardback books.

Go to a play or musical?
Play cause all the singing with give me a headache.

Go to the theatre or a movie?
Movie cause theatre is like a play but movie is better cause it's louder I guess.

Hike or bike?
Bike cause it quicker!

Wear jeans or chinos?
Jeans but skinny jeans cause my drawer is full of joggers and jeans 😂.

Crash with friends or stay in a hotel?
Crash with friends cause you can connect to wifi and you won't be alone

Visit Virginia or Omaha?
Omaha if your a fan of Jack and Jack then that's the reason 😂.

Vacation in North Carolina or Alaska, and why?
North Carolina cause the Griers live there.

Go to La or Paris?
La cause that's just a place I want to go to I guess.

Travel by plane, or train?
Train depends on where your going but I trust trains right now cause if all the incidents that's happening with planes.

Enjoy Hot Chocolate or tea?
Hot chocolate!!!!

Go climbing or zip lining?
Zip lining.

Go to a comedy club or dance club?
Dance club

Have a night out or evening in?
Night out!🌌

Watch TV or read a book?
Probably TV depends what's on!

Go canoeing or waterskiing?

Camp in an RV or stay in a tent?
Camp in an RV

Use Facebook or Twitter?
Both!! 😁

Choose a free trip or money?
I have no clue!

Win the lottery or find your perfect job?
Find my perfect job!

Swim in a pool or the ocean?
Pool cause I don't like the ocean!

Travel by sailboat or cruise ship?
Neither cause I get sea sick!

Watch sports or play sports?
Play sports!

Play dodgeball or kickball?

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
My friend the cooked chicken.

If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?

If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Sit and read and watch TVD!

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?

What is your favorite memory?
I have not a clue!

Who is your favorite author?
I have to many!

What is your favorite book?
Can't choose just one book!

What was your favorite activity in gym class?
Badminton! And Table Tennis!

What is your biggest success up until now?
This book!

What does your perfect day look like?
Meeting all my idols!!!

High school or life experience, which do you feel best prepares you for life?
Life experience

If you were to create a piece of art, what would the subject be?
TVD it Magcon!

What one thing would you change if you had to do it over?
My choice of friends!

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
2006 I don't know why?

What does your life say about you?
I'm kind respecting and a living person I guess!

How would your friends describe you?
Funny mysterious crazy and not ordinary
Here you guys go thanks!

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