Family .

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*Jennifer's POV*
My dad came up to me and hugged me tight. He missed me and I missed him. Just then my home rang. It was... DAMON!... Did he get me number when I was asleep? "Answer it but if he says anything weird I shall take over." Rebecca suggested. I nodded.
(J-Jennifer, D-Damon, S-Stefan, R-Rebecca.)
D-hey baby I was wondering wear you ran of to I need my cuddle buddy.
J-ummmm I'm at home Damon!
D-ok I will come for you and cuddle you there!!
J-you might not want to do that.
D-why what's up?
R-because she's with her family.
S-oh yeh Kol is her father you, Elijah, Finn and Niklaus are her uncles and you are her aunt.
R- oh yes sounds like Stefan has been digging.
D-we both have. Now let me have Jennifer back and I won't be forced to use a new invention of mine... A white oak dagger!
R-where did you get that cause we need that to destroy Niklaus before he kills Jennifer.
D- see that's why she is safer with me.
R-................ Fine you get her for a week..... End then we get her for the week.
D-fine but she better get her ass over here cause it's my turn of her.
R- fine I will bring her.
The call ended and Kol and Elijah started yelling at Rebecca. "You idiot Damon Salvatore you Trust my HUMAN Daughter with him!!"
"She is not going!!"
"Yes she is unless one of you want a white oak dagger in you!" Rebecca grabbed my arm and took me back to Mystic Falls.

When we arrived at the Salvatore boarding house Damon, Stefan and a girl how must have been Elena as she looked like me. Unless she was Katherine but Damon and Stefan didn't like her so I knew it wasn't. "Aww my baby is back." Damon yelled as he come over to hug me. Rebecca gave him the death glare. "Remember I will come and pick my niece up tomorrow ok." Rebecca yelled as she drove.

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