Tyler's Ex-Girlfriend!!!

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"Tyler I missed you so much have you missed me?" A voice yelled. Who is that girl with Tyler why are they hugging what is going on. I was coming to meet Tyler as it's our two month anniversary. But who is this girl he is hugging? Should I go in or should I leave. "Oh hello Jennifer." I turned around to see Mrs. Lockwood. "Oh hi Mrs. Lockwood." I replied.
"Oh sweetheart have you been crying." Oh yeh I was I totally didn't realise. Stupid vampire emotions ugh. Mrs. Lockwood walked in and saw the girl. "Oh hello Jasmine dear." Jasmine so that was the girls name. "Oh hi Jenni. I didn't know you where coming over." Tyler exclaimed.
"Well yeh you told me yesterday to come over for our two month anniversary." I tried to hold back the tears as Tyler still had his hands on this girl Jasmine's waist. So I just decided to turn and run. I ran and kept on running. Until I felt someone's hands grabbing me. I turned around and found Klaus "what's wrong love why are you crying." He asked.
"I-i saw T-tyler h-hugging a-another g-girl on our t-two month anniversary." I sobbed.
"Well don't worry about him any more your uncle Klaus will deal with him." What was going through Klaus's sick little mind. Cause most of his plans always end up with people dead.

Klaus's POV.

I will kill the girl he was hugging. Maybe use that wolf boy Tyler in the sacrifice tonight. I already have a vampire and a back up and I also have my doppelgänger.

Jennifer's POV.

I ran Vamp speed to my home I needed to be away from Mystic Falls for awhile. Maybe a long while. Then my phone rang. It was Tyler I am really angry but I'm gonna answer. "What could you possibly do now Tyler." I yelled down the phone. "It wasn't what it looked like. The hug please Jenni talk to me. Please." After I heard that I hung up. What does he think he can snap his fingers and I'll forgive him. I decided to call Elena me and her are friends now. Hopefully she will understand. "Hello Jen what's up?" I tried to hold back more tears. "Jennifer what's up where are you."
"I'm in California. I'm going home for awhile...." I was interrupted by Elena. "What! Why?" She yelled. "Hold on someone's at the door." I waited a while until I heard Tyler's voice. "Elena help I have made a terrible mistake."
"Wait what happened. Why is Jennifer calling me upset and now you've made a mistake!" Elena Yelled. "Did you break up with her you know she is like a sister to me Tyler!!"
"No, Elena that's not what happened I caught him hugging another girl!" I yelled down the phone. "Wait a minute are you telling me that you are flirting with another girl. Tyler your back to your old tricks again. I should have never set you up!" Elena yelled.
"No you both have it wrong. She was me Ex Jasmine. She came back to mystic falls and only wanted to be friends." Tyler announced. "Wait I thought Jasmine died in a car accident!" Elena gasped. "Oh great another vampire in this now fabulous just great!" I say sarcastically.
"What no there is no way right." Tyler asked. "Tyler you where at her bloody funeral remember." Elena yelled. "Oh no this can't be good. Another Vampire is just What we need. In this situation." Then another knock went on Elena's door. "Elena who is it?" I ask through the phone. "Uhh it's Klaus" she answers. "Go to the door and give him the phone." I yell. She must of handed it over as I here Klaus. "Hello, love what is it?" He asks. "The girl was Tyler's Ex asking to be friends! Only problem she's a vampire."

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