Having feelings for someone else!

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For the past few weeks Tyler has had Matt around and I'm begging in to think I'm falling for Matt. But why I'm positive I love Tyler or do I? I have so many questions just bubbling up in my head! I'm beginning to feel dizzy
"Jenny baby you okay?" Tyler asked.
"What ummm yeh I'm fine I'm just gonna head to bed with little Toby." I fake a small smile and head up the stairs. I place Toby in his cot and lay down in my bed. I slowly let the darkness take over me. "good night Jenny." was the last thing I heard and I felt a small peck on my forehead the voice sounded familiar it was definitely not Tyler's was it Matt's?
*next day*
I woke up to the sound of Toby growling ugh what's up with him this time. I walk over and see him clawing at his cot he's grown again ever since he was born he has been ageing faster. "ugh Toby stop it come here." I say as I pick him up.
"Morning my two favourite people." I heard a groggy morning voice say.
"Haha morning babe sorry if we woke you but Toby is ageing again."
"Awe little man let me take him out for a while."
"Okay but let Klaus near him and I shall kill you I'm stronger remember."
"Yeh yeh whatever Jenny."
Tyler got up and changed then placed Toby in his pram and left with him. I decided to call Stefan to tell him my secret cause I don't trust Damon and Elena is still getting used to the whole vamp thing.
(S-Stefan J-Jennifer)
S- hey hybrid what's up?
J- stef I thought we were done with the nicknames?
S- okay okay now what's up?
J- okay what I'm about to tell you must promise to tell no one not even Elena or Tyler especially not Damon!
S- okay okay I get it now spill.
J- okay so I kinda have feelings for Matt and I don't want to break Tyler's heart I mean I'm freaking married to him and having feelings for his best friend that would crush him and it doesn't help that Matt is around almost every night!
Plus I think last night when I went to bed Matt came up and kissed my forehead and said goodnight!
S- wow that's a big problem well I have news too Elena and Damon are a thing.
J- WHAT BUT I WAS HAVING FUN SHIPPING STELENA! What's there name I bet they don't have a cool one!
S- true but it's Delena and there is nothing I can do.
J- I'm gonna need to talk to Elena and get this sorted.
S- don't interfere cause when you interfere someone ends up and Klaus' feet dead.
J- not true!
S- really Jenny you gonna take that route.
J- oh yeh you bet I am *laughs*
S- haha I really don't get you at times
J- well I'm not a person you can easily map out stefy boy
S- new nickname huh?
J- oh you know it stefo
S- okay that's enough I'm hanging up now
J- okay bye Stefan stef stefy stefo....
*called ended*
That little bitch hung up on me!
Oh well may as well rest more while Tyler is.
"Hey baby I'm home little Toby is out he went out as soon as his face hit fresh air.
"Okay shhh so we don't wake him."
Omfg I updated an exceptionally long chapter I had been working on this ever since I had the idea shout out to the girl who gave me the idea. (not gonna say the user cause then it kinda spoils the surprise for later on but the girl who gave me the idea you know who you are 😏😂) so yeh hope you all enjoyed this I might stop writing all together cause there is a lot going on in my life I'm gonna make a YouTube video to explain it but please don't hate me.
~Snapple20 ❤️

Another Doppelgänger!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora