Im a what!!

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"Oh dear this isn't good here Jennifer." Klaus started pacing I started to worry I was a werewolf oh shit this isn't good so my dad can't save me I'm just gonna die. "Wait so I will just die then well better make it sooner than later." Just as I said that Elijah came barging in "Klaus stay away from her."
"Oh brother I don't want to kill another werewolf I mean come on do you really stoop that low of me?"
"Wait Niklaus did you tell her. How did you find out." "Forget that actually here Jennifer drink this it's time." Elijah then threw a vial of blood to me. I opened it then drank it, it was horrible but I had to just face it. Next thing I saw was darkness.
"You idiot you have just killed her for god sake. God damn it Elijah she was too young." wait was that Klaus. I slowly opened my eye I was really hungry. "ummm guys can I get something to eat please." Elijah then threw a blood bag at me. I picked it up and started drinking it. It tasted better than last time so that was good? "Slow down there how is she like me then." Klaus yelled. "Look she is a hybrid as well which means there is two. So you need to help her control it cause she will need to feed and if she feeds on some one she will trigger it." I then started to worry wait so now I was like uncle Klaus. I got up and left the room and went outside as my arm hit the sun I ran back inside. "You forgot this, love" Klaus threw a ring it me and I shoved it on. then I ran outside again. I went to the mystic bar. I could here everything now and I heard the conversation that Elena, Her witchy friend Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, and Tyler were having. "Hey so can I be the first to say that the new girl is hot!" Tyler exclaimed. "look there she is." as I entered the grill I saw him point to me. "Time to make my move." he was about to get up till. "Don't bother she is a total slut who wouldn't give a crap about you. Anyway I think she likes Damon Salvatore although he might have compelled her."
Elena's POV.
I then felt really sorry for Jennifer I mean maybe I should let Tyler go. Maybe I was a little to harsh I mean she did want to be friends with me. "In fact Tyler forget I said that it was my inner bitch talking go talk to her." Tyler grinned as he got up and walked over.
Jennifer's POV.
"In fact Tyler forget I said that it was inner bitch talking go talk to her." I then heard Tyler walk up to me. "Hey Jennifer is it?"
"Yeh hey your Tyler right?"
"Yeh hey can I ask you something."
"Yeh sure anything."
"Yeh are you going to the Full Moon Ball tonight?"
"Yeh, why?"
"Well don't come with me to the old Lockwood cellar."
"Okay so you want to take me to a creaky cellar. Sounds cool." I giggle.
He then cups my face in his hands and gives my a peck in the lips. I started to get butterfly's in my stomach.
It was only 30 minutes till Tyler came to pick me up. I decided to go with no make up, black Skinny jeans, a black top with the word "Yolo" in white letters on it, my Black hoodie, black converse, and my hair left naturally. yes the curse of the vampire dress code has came on my all black save me please. Then there was a knock at the door. I ran down the stairs I glanced at the clock it said 5:47 he was early. Tyler was at the door then we walked to the cellar. "Right time to tell secrets ok I will start. Don't freak but I'm a werewolf and I triggered it."
"Well then I don't fell bad saying this, I'm a Hybrid Cross of a Werewolf and Vampire and I have triggered it."
I triggered it when I got hungry and may have killed some girl in the bathroom and she ended up lying on the sink so it looked like she slipped and fell.
"Yeh well tonight is when we turn so I hope your ready."
"I think so it's my first time tho."
"Yeh it's mine too don't worry. I studied my uncle and I brought everything we need."
When we were both chained up I started to panic.
"Tyler I can't do this I want to die."
"Tyler it's gonna hurt just kill me it will stop my pain."
"No hey listen Jennifer we will be fine ok come here." I went over and he gave me a cuddle.
I started to transform first the Tyler started not long after. We both started to scream and yell. I couldn't take it but when the pain stopped and I was a wolf I noticed Tyler was also a wolf. He then came up to me. I edged back a little. Then everything went black for the both of us.
I woke up and saw Tyler naked next to me I was also naked. I saw my close ripped in the ground. "oh shit." I yelled I woke up Tyler. "what the fuck happened."
"I'm guessing wolfs don't like clothes."
"Yeh but may I say I like want I see." Tyler said looking at me.
"Eww don't but what are we gonna do."
"I dunno bout you but I have spare clothes." Tyler laughed.
"You are an asshole Tyler do you have anything I can stick on."
He then threw joggers and a tank top at me. "Fine I will stick your clothes on then. Like people won't think that's weird."
"Just out it on and quit moaning or I will leave you here." Tyler yelled.
So guys can we ship Jyler or Tennifer I ship Jyler lol.
Anyway want do you think guys I think this chapter has a lot of you with questions. LoL 😆 anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter bye.

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