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Jimin was like out of breath, curling onto Hoseok's lap, rocking himself to find some comfort.

His hands were tightly wrapped around his chest, which had been hurting for most of the day while the rapper's are stoking his hair tenderly.

Hoseok never said anything to Jimin, despite the fact that he got woken up more frequently during his sleep these last two weeks. He knew Jimin wasn't okay.

And Jimin knew that too.

He knew something was wrong but the tiny singer doesn't know how to put words on his symptoms.

He doesn't know how to explain that feeling burning his lungs from the lack of oxygen.

Nor the way his chest hurt as though his heart was ripped out of it.

And everytime Jimin goes to get his chest checked, the doctor never finds anything and keeps telling him that it may be a consequence of his tight schedule and the stress it involves: that he just need some rest.

And the blonde singer just went with it, he was no doctor to prove him wrong.

But he knew something was off with his body.

It happened less frequently then, like once or twice a month.

But now it has gotten worse.

At least three times every two weeks, he had to go through it.

The feeling of his heart beating dully, pumping on nothing.



And this even happens when he doesn't move that much, when he's laying on his bed or when he's sitting on the couch.

The pain he feels and the fear that's starting to built because of the worry about his health were the worst 'symptoms'.

So tonight, once again, he tried to find some comfort in Hoseok's arms.


- Chim, you have to try to explain your symptoms to the doctor, look at how poorly you are right now! Hoseok said, looking at his dongsaeng sadly.

He knew all about Jimin's chest discomfort but he didn't know what to do but trying to reassure him and keep telling him to get his chest checked.

- Hobi... I already told you the doctor found nothing, even when I tried to explain how I felt he just said it was because of stress and my heart and lungs actually work pretty well. Jimin's soft but pained voice came out as a whisper.

- *sigh* I don't understand... I don't know what to do, Jiminie. I'm scared something h-happens to you... The rapper's word were cut by silent sobs.

- I'm sorry hyung, don't cry, I'll be fine! Jimin tried to cheer up but as he sat up quite suddenly, his heart seemed to clench and skip a few beats, making him grimace from the pain.

- Careful, there.

Hoseok hugged the small boy tighter in his arms before placing his head on his chest.

- I like listening to your heartbeat hyung... Jimin whispered as his features soften, falling into a deep sleep.

But Hoseok couldn't seem to fall asleep.

He was carefully listening the sleeping boy's breathing, trying to convince himself that he'll be alright.

And after a few long hours and after changing posisions more than seven times, the rapper fell asleep, a hand laying on the younger's chest.

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