Three months later: Raul

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Days passed by uneventfully. After the confrontation with King Maximilian, I've been working hard to earn Primavara a place where not even Magnemt could step on it. My family tried their best to talk me out of it, but I gave up on my studies and focus only on preparing myself to be a queen—and secured an agreement with Kevyn in the process.

Yes, the crown prince of Wondera. I know, technically I don't need to marry to be crowned, but scale-wise, Wondera is practically a guarantee to get Magnemt off our back. It's not like I have nothing to lose anyway. After what went down three months ago, I couldn't be bothered to try my luck on love ever again, so might as well do a political marriage.

I still haven't heard a word from Royce other than a very harsh 'I told you so'. It's been weird not talking to him for this long, especially since we've talked all my life, but I guess we can't forever live in the past.

In the meantime, I have dukes and viscounts from my court relentlessly vying for my hand, some smarter than the other to actually offer something, but I'm still leaning toward Kevyn. Call me ambitious but let's face it: they're no match to a crown prince. I also have this secret side project with Al and Brandon, but let's save that for later.

Tonight, we're going to host an engagement ball for me and one of my suitors. If all went well, I promised Al a place among the candidates, too.

It's a masquerade ball per my uncle's request. Some gibberish about bringing up my romantic side, but I'll let this slide. Actually, I've been letting a lot of things slide. After the confrontation, Dr. Rowan personally asked me to be more indulgent with my uncle, saying that it has caused his mind a great disruption.

Well, I would be devastated, too, if I were him. It turned out that King Maximilian had been abusing his closest friend, July, every time the duchess took Primavara's side instead of Magnemt's. And let's just say she'd been taking our side a lot of times. That's how all hell broke loose before Anne and I arrived at the scene.

On the brighter side. Tonight, all of my hard work will finally pay off. Tonight, I'll see to it myself that Primavara will not fall to the likes of King Maximilian. And if my plan with Al and Brandon actually works out, that would be a cherry on top to my grand scheme.

But first, Timmy has to make sure I'm well away from any chandelier drops. My new head of security, since uncle assigned Randall to Brandon.

"His Highness Prince Brandon, Your Royal Highness." Katya announces my cousin as he enters my chamber.

I look up from my vanity. "Brands?" I don't remember having any appointment with him?

"Jenny, can we talk?" He looks restless. Ugh, this screams disaster. Ugh, why now? I could use something that actually works out in my life. Just one thing, is that too much?

Bracing myself, I stand with plastered smile. "Let's take a walk in the garden."


"I just came to let you know I'm leaving."

I turn to Brandon in shock. "What? You'll come back, though. Right?"

Brandon chuckles calmly. He's matured a lot compared to when he first arrived. "Of course, Jenny. My mom has her husband and four sets of kids. My dad only has me."

"And me! You prick."

"Haha, yeah. If you're not too busy with all those crown shits."

I roll my eyes. "Language."

"Jenny, promise me something?" He has this sad look in his eyes that I hope I didn't see.

"Oh no, should I be worried?"

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