Tuesday: Prince Aloysius

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I don't necessarily hate Tuesdays. As a date Al is a lot of fun, though he's certainly not a long-haul material. One, his father is heir apparent to King Maximilian of Magnemt. He's practically enemy. Though he won't inherit the throne anytime soon, as he's the youngest of eight siblings. Which brings us to reason number two: he's spoiled to a fault. Under any other circumstances I'd wing it, but I can't take care of a king and a kingdom at the same time. Hell, even if I can, I don't want to. No hard feelings, Al!

"So I heard about Nap."

I practically whip my head to his direction. Though I take my time to answer. "You did, huh. What do you think?"

Al shrugs. "He sure took his time."

"What do you mean? Do I know him, have we met?"

Al looks at me funny. "You sure look ... interested."

"Well, he's ... new." Lame, Jenny.

"Probably nothing, but he asked for my permission weeks ago."

I don't know how to make of it. "Um, he doesn't need your permission."

"I know. It's more like giving me a heads up, actually."

"Well ... What about you? Do you mind?"

Al finds my eyes again, this time his look hurt. "Honestly? I do. But an open relationship is as far as I can go with you, so this won't be the first time I share you with other guys. Won't be the last time, too. Don't know why you asked, since, honestly, what choice do I have? If it's up to me, Jenny, I'd hog you for myself."

This is why I loathe open relationships. This guilt is eating me. "You know I can't do that, Al ...."

"You love your people too much, Jenny, compared to Cornelius. But it would be more logical to compare you to my dad than to my eldest brother, wouldn't it? God, I'm a mess." Aloysius buries his head in his hands. I move to embrace him in a hug. "Alice scolded me for being too worked up. 'It's just Nap. He wouldn't hurt a fly.'" He scowls, impersonating his twin sister. "But it bugs me because he asked for my permission. It's creepy, cringey, like ... he's being serious."

Uh-oh. I can't stop myself from smiling. "It's an open relationship."

"Exactly!" He moves to look me in the eyes and freezes. "Oh, no. No, no, no. What's that smile for? Ugh, I hate it. You like your guy unpredictable, don't you? You like him making an exception for you, silly Al, why did I put ideas in your head ...."

I laugh. "Don't you worry your pretty little mind, Al. You could still hog me on Tuesdays. Nothing's going to change that."

He gives me a side glance. "Not even when you're married?"

"Well, I'm sure your cousin wouldn't mind sharing his wife on Tuesdays. Why, let's make it a Hamthor routine."

"You've thought about marrying him already??!"

I gawk at him, bewildered by my own words. "You and your silly ideas ... !"

The sound of Al's chamber door being opened makes Al sigh. Prince Dominic, his youngest older brother and his closest sibling out of seven others, saunters casually to our seats in Al's veranda.

"You're here?" He beams at me as he opens his hands wide.

I jump to his embrace. "Dom! How've you been?"

"Fair, fair. I hope Al didn't nag you too much. He ranted about Nap the whole week."


I release myself and chuckle. "I've had my share."

"Lucky us, huh?" He gives me a warm smile before turning to look at his baby brother. "Will you stop hogging her already? Val and Alice demand you to share a bit of Jenny to the world."

As if on cue, Princess Valerie, the fourth oldest, and Princess Alycia, the seventh, come barging in.

"Jenny! I thought you said last week you'd teach us this Paisley special tiramisu recipe." said Alice, already the life of the party. Val, on the other hand, still on the phone with whom I assume is her secretary.

"...No, the fabric was certainly not angel-feather soft. Sue them if you must, but I'm not continuing the contract. Please make the necessary arrangements, Diana, I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you so much."

I smile. "Busy day at work?" Must be nice having a big family, so few royalty duties to do to manage a clothing line of her own.

Val nods, beaming. "Have your dress for Princess Anne's engagement ball arrived? You should try it one more time, just in case."

"Give it a rest, Val. And can you all please leave? Jenny is here as my guest."

"But what about the Paisley special tira—"

"Just email it or something, damn it!" Al snaps, instantly causing an unsettling silence.

"That was not cool, Al." Dom moves to squeeze Alice's shoulder. "It's an open relationship."

"And not like you have a future anyway." Val chimes in, adding salt to the wound.

Al sighs. "Doesn't mean it doesn't feel like crap." He mutters in defeat. I smile weakly at him, can't find the right words to say.

"But Nap, though...." Dom sighs, lost in thought. "It's hard to imagine."


"He ... doesn't speak to ladies his age."

"He's like, gynophobia." Alice chirps in. "Except that he's super chill with our mum and nana."

"That brooding boy." Val shakes her head, then shrugs. "Anyway, ice cream?"

"Ice cream!"

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